Touring caravan

Sep 13, 2015
Hi all I've got a Bailey unicorn Cartagena 2013 I'm thinking of selling my van but can't get a second hand valuation as you can appreciate the dealers want to give rock bottom prices does anyone know roughly how much they are selling for ? Regards


Mar 14, 2005
Have a look around the internet,or local dealers and see what they are being advertised for.
May 7, 2012
The only printed guide is Glass's but this is trade only so I would follow Damian's advice.
Mar 14, 2005
jinks46 said:
Hi all I've got a Bailey unicorn Cartagena 2013 I'm thinking of selling my van but can't get a second hand valuation as you can appreciate the dealers want to give rock bottom prices does anyone know roughly how much they are selling for ? Regards

The value of any item is what someone is prepared to pay for it. I know its sound obvious but it's true.

If you consider what a dealer has to do, you will perhaps better understand the reasons why Dealers can only offer you less for a caravan compared to what they have to sell it for.

The dealer will have to spend some money on preparing the caravan for resale for example cleaning or any repairs, ensuring gas and electrics are safe. There will also be some dealership overheads and they will also want to make some profit. And because its a retail sale, they will have to add some contingency in case they have to deal with and repairs subject to SoGA. They will also incur VAT(20%) on any difference between sale and purchase price.

You may get a better price selling privately, but my opening adage still holds true, and it is often less than we would like it to be.
Jan 15, 2011
Hello. I recently sold a 2010 Bailey Ranger GT60.
To get an idea of what I should ask I trawled the Internet through the many caravan sales sites. Also gumtree and Free adds along with as many dealers that I could find.
I then pitched my price about a £1000 below what the average dealer was asking for the same model.
In the end I accepted a price that was about £1300 below the dealer average.

I was aware that I was unable to offer any form of warranty also many people when buying a caravan hope to take advantage of some form of finance deal to spread the cost over a period of time again something I was unable to offer.

My main selling point was that the caravan was fully serviced, in excellent clean condition, had a powertouch mover a full list of annual damp test results. I invited any check and was totally honest about a minor repair we had done again by the approved workshop.

In fact the guy who bought it came at 11:00 and finally settled the deal at about 16:00 in the afternoon. During that time he spent about 40 minutes on the phone checking at his own exspence that we actually were the owners of the van. It is certainly a frustrating time when trying to sell something of value, also please be aware you will get people who are clearly scammers contacting you so be sure to meet people face to face and be very cautious how you are paid.

I wish you all the best in your sale
Regards Brian


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