Towing (front) covers

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Nov 11, 2009
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It is noticeable that the number of insects have dropped as we now have very few on the front when we stop. Possibly I am driving slower but I doubt that is relevant.
The number of insects has decreased and 2022 was a bad year for them, but 2023 seems to have been a good year, but overall its falling trend.
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Nov 6, 2005
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It is noticeable that the number of insects have dropped as we now have very few on the front when we stop. Possibly I am driving slower but I doubt that is relevant.
That's a trend that's been going on for several years - but my experience this year is that the trend may be reversing!
Nov 30, 2022
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It is noticeable that the number of insects have dropped as we now have very few on the front when we stop. Possibly I am driving slower but I doubt that is relevant.
No, it's down to the amount of insecticide that's used these days! That's a bad thing as insects are a vital food source for many small creatures, and of course many insects are also pollinators.
Nov 11, 2009
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No, it's down to the amount of insecticide that's used these days! That's a bad thing as insects are a vital food source for many small creatures, and of course many insects are also pollinators.
I think that is too simplistic a reason as pesticide usage has reduced if only as a financial factor in farmers activities. Many instecticides were banned some years ago. My cache would have made Saddam Husein look a good guy, although I rarely used what I had in store.

Other reasons are changes in farming practises, and denuding of the countryside. I was on Cherhill Down last week and looking over a large area and it was particularly noticeable how few hedges there were, few tress or copses, and how much monoculture was growing. When we had set aside the area had insects, birds, hare and deer, plus raptors. Now there's. just a small area managed by the National Trust. Britain has a particularly poor record in protecting its wildlife.

The elephant in the room is the gradual warming of the climate, which sees foreign species arriving, and for which native species have difficulty adapting. Heading off to avoid incoming!



May 7, 2005
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Back in my early motoring days, others were fitting a device on the front of the bonnet of their cars to supposedly deflect insect away from the screen. Never had spare money back then to ever indulge in "extras".

I do though clearly recall on some occasions the car getting "tared" all over its front on evening drives across the fens, so maybe these contraptions offered something?
Nov 11, 2009
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Back in my early motoring days, others were fitting a device on the front of the bonnet of their cars to supposedly deflect insect away from the screen. Never had spare money back then to ever indulge in "extras".

I do though clearly recall on some occasions the car getting "tared" all over its front on evening drives across the fens, so maybe these contraptions offered something?
I used one when living in Ontario as well as a gauze across the cars grille. Insects started appearing in April and continued until September. At least one new biting species per month. The adverts for tourism didn’t mention the voracious bugs.
Sep 25, 2020
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I have a specialised covers for the front of my Bailey Pegasus Grande SE. Less then 5mins to fit, keeps the big window safe, just make sure the front is clean before you fit it


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