Towing in Windy Conditions

Jun 24, 2024
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We are planning our second ever trip away in our caravan and been told to think about wind conditions when touring. For our date I check the weather and the wind is to be around 27-29 mph.
Is this ok to tow in? Anything I should consider if I decide to proceed?
Jun 20, 2005
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You will see from the Beaufort Scale your stated wind is a strong breeze. Will you experience a head , tail or side wind? Be prepared for all.
Ensure your loading is accurate, moderate your speed, especially downhill. Watch for open space gaps where you may feel a sudden gust from a sidewind. You will feel it but don’t over compensate. Be relaxed but alert.
Once wind speeds get into gale regions I’d delay my trip
Nov 16, 2015
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Just take it steady, drop your speed if the wind gets strong, be aware of side gusts that could swing the caravan.
And try not to panic too much about the winds, choose a pitch if you can that's head onto the wind and away from possible falling branches.
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Nov 6, 2005
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We are planning our second ever trip away in our caravan and been told to think about wind conditions when touring. For our date I check the weather and the wind is to be around 27-29 mph.
Is this ok to tow in? Anything I should consider if I decide to proceed?
Listen to news and weather reports - if bridges are closed and/or restrictions placed on "high-sided vehicles" then treat them as applying to caravans - otherwise be wary of going over high ground where the gusts can be stronger - be wary of windsocks on motorways as they indicate a potential side wind - reduce your speed and you should be ok
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Jun 24, 2024
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Wind is from the west and were heading north. It's going through high ground with open areas.

Thanks for all your feedback. It was very helpful.
Considering my inexperience I may just hold off until the winds are calmer.
Nov 11, 2009
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I agree with the above advice. If you look at the BBC weather app you will see wind speed and direction shown. In certain conditions the wind speed text will turn black above 20 mph. This indicates likely gust speeds. So for example if it’s black and shows 28 mph you can expect gusts up to 28 mph and a steady speed around 14 mph. It is only a guide though that gusts are approximately twice steady speed. Below 20 moh the difference between steady and gust speed isn’t really significant.
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Jan 3, 2012
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I don"t tow above 20mph winds and even then i check the gust speed, there a difference going a few miles along a country road to then going down a bypass or motorway, when you can get the cross winds i think you have made the right decision
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