As Lutz said, its down to Satellite. If you decide to go Satellite and you want BBC/ITV etc you will have to go Freesat from Sky. You would also be able to receive the full range of digital radio programes and wouln't have to bother with DAB.
Also due to launch next month (maybe) is the new BBC Freesat satellite system. This would give you all the programes you can receive in this country with the freeview box. Look at all the options before you put your hand in your pocket. I had an experience in Dorset lsat October, a couple pitched opposite to us and noteing my sat dish said he had bought a complete sat system and asked if I minded helping him set it up as he had not done it before. He went into his awning and came out with one of those complete sets in a suitcase that you can buy at Lidl and Maplin. He said her indoors said hurry because she wanted to watch Eastenders. When I told what progremes he could or could not receive with his kit he did not even break the seal and said this will be on EBay next week and he asked me to list what kit he should get. Good luck. JTS.