TV reception -SW england

Aug 24, 2008
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We shall be travelling to the West Country shortly and debating wether to take the TV digital equipment or to rely on the standard TV reception. Any observations would be greatly received.
Jun 24, 2005
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When you say TV digital equipment do you mean satellite? Many sites in the SW have a tv hook up but if I wasn't sure if this was available I'd always take the satellite set up.
Aug 24, 2008
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Sorry I did not make myself very clear. What I should have said was : we normally can obtain freeview using the installed arieal ,but we do have a satellite system we use when abroad. As we are staying on Cl sites TV hook up is unlikely to be available and we were unsure of the reception generally in this area.
Apr 20, 2009
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Hi Lulubelle, where abouts are you staying? I live in the area.
Generally there is no problems we are not all farmers down this way
in fact we were one of the first area's to receive the digital signal
on switch-over
But that said it is like any area if you are sited under trees, in a valley etc you may encounter some problems, but on the whole you should be OK, I use the fixed status on the van and have stayed in most area's with the Dawlish area being the most problomatic, but still got a picture with the odd "Freeze".
Hope this helps.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you google 'digital tv coverage' or something like it you will find sites showing which part of the country remains analogue - if any. Here in the West Country we've been digital for some time, and a number of booster stations have been built such that I believe the coverage is pretty good. If your basic TV set does not have a digital tuner, you will need a set top box which I assume are still available in 'unconverted' areas
Aug 24, 2008
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Thank you all for your advice. I think we will leave the sat equipment at home. We are not too bothered about watching TVwhen away and I think the using the fixed status arieal will suffice.
Sorry for not replying earlier but we took advantage of the good weather to have a few "tech"days away on a new to us CL site in Lincolnshire
As for where wil l be going on trip, we have a CL booked near Truro and Buckfastleigh. Just hope the sun is still shining.



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