TV Reception

Oct 8, 2009
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We are looking to replace current aerial system on caravan because the current status aerial does not give provide good reception, has anyone any suggestions on a better system.

Many thanks

Nov 27, 2009
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Which status type aerial do you have Olive?

The flying saucer shaped one, or the flat triangular shaped one.

From experience of both, I can say that the triangular shaped one which you can rotate from inside the caravan and alter from horizontal to vertical, gives much better performance, although still not as good as a proper external TV aerial mounted on a pole.

An alternative approach is to go down the satellite route, which we also use if we struggle to get a decent signal through terrestrial broadcast. This means carrying round extra kit and it takes a bit of practice to set up quickly. But it works well so long as you can get the dish to point around 28 deg east of south without being blocked by adjacent caravans, awnings or hedges, etc. We bought a "B" grade suitcase type satellite kit from Maplin for around
Mar 14, 2005
I get good reception using a TechniSat DigiFlex TT2 aerial. It's only about 15" tall and incorporates a 5 volt booster. Because it's small, it only needs double side adhesive tape to attach it to the roof (and it's held there for over two years now).

I would imagine that this is not the only model that is suitable, but other manufacturers have equivalents.
Jul 11, 2006
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If you have a second Sky box it will get all the FTA stations without a card, but you will get Central West for ITV and London for BBC1.

If you want to get your 'home' region without a lot of mucking about get as Freesat from Sky viewing card (once off
Jan 17, 2010
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If you have a second Sky box it will get all the FTA stations without a card, but you will get Central West for ITV and London for BBC1.

If you want to get your 'home' region without a lot of mucking about get as Freesat from Sky viewing card (once off


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