tv turntable

Aug 4, 2005
i am led to belive that the turntable for the t.v. in our swift caravan is held in place with double sided tape.i would like to remove it so a microwave can be put in its place. has any body had any experiance of doing this,if so how was it done without doing any damage.
Mar 14, 2005
So that's how its held in !!

We have had the LCD TV fixed to it by Velcro and a stay for 3 Seasons and its shown no sign of moving.

Could you not bridge the turntable with two wooden strips from front to back to line up with the microwave feet or fit bigger feet such as rubber door stops.

We have our microwave under the fixed bed with a vent through the floor.The drop down flap is the right size for the door to open with the microwave on a plinth.

Its not ideal but its better that some high level installations where scalding seems a distinct risk.

We have the Bailey Senator Oklahoma on order as the microwave position is among one of the features we liked.
Aug 4, 2005
i have since removed the turntable it was held in place with what looked to be silicon sealant. i used a hairdrier to warm up the sealer and then gently pulled the tunrtable left beind a small amount of silicon on the shelf which i cleaned of with white spirit.


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