Tyre Inflation

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Oct 12, 2013
Jinxed !! my tyre pressure monitors have just alarmed in the car whilst coming into the street , I've checked all tyres , all the same as before so it's just going to get reset hoping it's just a standard message that comes on at a certain mileage like the service reminder alarm !! :(
Nov 11, 2009
Craigyoung said:
Jinxed !! my tyre pressure monitors have just alarmed in the car whilst coming into the street , I've checked all tyres , all the same as before so it's just going to get reset hoping it's just a standard message that comes on at a certain mileage like the service reminder alarm !! :(

I had a couple of spurious alarms on a 2014 Subaru. But like you nothing was wrong. Just hi tech jinx as no reason why they should alarm periodically.
Sep 21, 2007
I use a Michelin twin barrel footpump. My caravan tyres are 65psi. I don't find it a problem inflating to this pressure. I do use a seperate digital pressure gauge, mainly as it's easier to read than the analoque gauge on the pump.

May 7, 2012
I have a foot pump and one that runs of the cars cigarette lighter and this gives a choice if there is a problem.
Apr 27, 2015
TYREPAL.....expensive, but an absolute godsend. Works a treat. Brilliant bit of kit.

My only problem in about 5 yrs of ownership is that the sensor has currently welded itself to the valve on the rear nearside tyre of the car. No amount of plus gas or dual plyer encouragement is moving it. So I'm dreading the day it reports a pressure that warrants a pump up- think it'll have to go in for a new valve at that point. Lesson for the day = use a bit of coppa slip if you've not already. I'm aware the new tyrepals operate with sensors inside the wheel, I still have an old TP99.
Nov 11, 2009
Jules_ht said:
TYREPAL.....expensive, but an absolute godsend. Works a treat. Brilliant bit of kit.

My only problem in about 5 yrs of ownership is that the sensor has currently welded itself to the valve on the rear nearside tyre of the car. No amount of plus gas or dual plyer encouragement is moving it. So I'm dreading the day it reports a pressure that warrants a pump up- think it'll have to go in for a new valve at that point. Lesson for the day = use a bit of coppa slip if you've not already. I'm aware the new tyrepals operate with sensors inside the wheel, I still have an old TP99.

Not a high mileage user then if no new tyre in five years?
Mar 10, 2006
TYREPAL.....expensive, but an absolute godsend. Works a treat. Brilliant bit of kit.

Really not IME.
My tyrepal works when it wants, and isn't 12 months old yet.

One sensor in particular is very unreliable, it only started working after 30 mins into a journey, and none of them register until you move a wheel. Even fitted a new battery but no difference.

I did phone the technical help line, but after the phone just ringing for 20 mins I just hung up. Your post has reminded me to get it resolved before the 12 months comes up.
Apr 27, 2015
otherclive said:
Jules_ht said:
TYREPAL.....expensive, but an absolute godsend. Works a treat. Brilliant bit of kit.

My only problem in about 5 yrs of ownership is that the sensor has currently welded itself to the valve on the rear nearside tyre of the car. No amount of plus gas or dual plyer encouragement is moving it. So I'm dreading the day it reports a pressure that warrants a pump up- think it'll have to go in for a new valve at that point. Lesson for the day = use a bit of coppa slip if you've not already. I'm aware the new tyrepals operate with sensors inside the wheel, I still have an old TP99.

Not a high mileage user then if no new tyre in five years?

Faulty logic there.

It has been fine for the vast majority of the time I've had it, across many sets of tyres, but about 6 weeks ago I realised one had siezed on.
Apr 27, 2015
xtrailman said:
none of them register until you move a wheel.

That is by design- it beams the info to the receiving unit every 5 mins I think it is, and if the wheel is not rotating then it doesn't do it, in order to save battery.
Nov 11, 2009
Jules_ht said:
xtrailman said:
none of them register until you move a wheel.

That is by design- it beams the info to the receiving unit every 5 mins I think it is, and if the wheel is not rotating then it doesn't do it, in order to save battery.

Same with my Car ones. 5 mph before they start to monitor.


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