Tyre Size

Apr 14, 2015
Hi All,

Hope you can help with this, or correct me if I am wrong.

I've bought a new to us van, a 2007 model. I need the tyres changing as they are the original set.

The size on the tyre is 175 / 75 / R14 / 99 c.

I've called a few companies up, and the common reply is - these tyres no longer exist in the 75s.

Etyres have said the only company producing these is Bridgestone, and they are expensive.

Having looked around, I 'think' i could get a 175 / 80 fitted. with the 80 being a higher profile tyre, it may even improve the shock absorption. I am certain there wont be any issues with clearance etc.
Question is - anyone had similar issues? And how did you resolve?
Mar 14, 2005
Between the two tyre sizes the differences are quite small. Before going ahead check that you'll have room in the wheel arches. Your original tyres have a diameter of 24.3" whilst the new size will be 25". The tyre width will be the same. The side wall of your originals are 5.17" whilst the new are 5.5. On circumference yours are 76.4" and the new 78.6". Were you making the change on your car the change of tyres would effect the speedo reading since they would turn fewer times per mile.
Apr 14, 2015
Great answer, many thanks and very helpful.

There is enough clearance on the arch, so they are being changed this evening (e tyres).
Apr 9, 2006
I would urge anyone to check the date of the tyres, stated on the sidewalls, before they are fitted. They may already be 2 or 3 yrs old, as our 'new' ones were and we rejected them on the spot, before they were fitted. Our local tyre dealer supplied us with two new caravan spec. tyres only months from manufacture, for less price too.

For any newbies to caravanning, who may not know this, it is advisable to change the caravans tyres before they reach 5 yrs old, even though they may 'look ok', as caravan tyres are subject to enormous stresses and strains and a blow-out is the last thing any of us need.
Mar 14, 2005
mealsonwheels said:
............... as caravan tyres are subject to enormous stresses and strains and a blow-out is the last thing any of us need.

Yes caravan tyres are subject to stresses, but probably not as much as driven wheels and steering wheels on cars. and in terms of load, there are plenty of commercial vans that have far more weight applied, so the tyres are not being abnormally stressed .
Apr 14, 2015
Yes, tyres on any vehicle should be replaced after 5 years, so the date of manufacture is important. As mealsonwheels correctly says, check before fitting as many tyres will already be 1 - 2 even 3 years old by the time they are fitted.

Also, as Caravan tyres generally do not travel many miles, the tread depth is usually very healthy. Given that we are accustomed to determining the state of our car tyres based on tread depth, we typically look at caravan tyres in the same way. However, as they dont travel many miles, the tread depth remains good and we overlook the fact the tyre degrades in other ways.

UV from sunlight degrades the tyre - as on mine. The tyres where original 2007/08 manufacture fitted. The van for the last 2/3 years had been sited and so tread depth was great, however, the tyre had started to crack as it had been in full day / sunlight for much of that time. The damage from UV was clearly visible once deflated.

So, dont base tyre state on a caravan on the tread. Base it on the age of the tyre.
Oct 8, 2006
Try putting tyres size details in Google and you will get loads of sources albeit all for the Bridgestone.

Asda charge £88.71 fitted but there are suppliers quoting south of £70 plus fitting. Several suppliers list fitters (such as Halfords) and quote a fitted price.

Make no odds, Bridgestone are good tyres and these are 8 ply extra load rated.

In modern tyres £100 for a premium brand is relatively cheap so for Bridgestone such prices are a gift.


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