tyron bands

Jun 29, 2004
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My Abbey gts Vouge, bought nearly new came with tyron bands fitted.

What are they and what do I need to be aware of.

It just shows that althow we have been caravaners for hundreds of years you still do not know everything.


Norfolk Mike
Jan 19, 2008
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Mike I have a Vogue too with them fitted. What I am told is you need a tool for the bands because when you need a tyre change Tyre Dealers dont have this tool and will cut the bands off, maybe another user can confirm this. The bands keep your van stable if you have a puncture/blowout.
Mar 14, 2005
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When you buy the bands you get the fitting tool with them. I had them on a van I sold in 2000. It is basically an allen key (from what I remember) on a long arm (about 300mm).

From what I remember (but only saw it once 7 years ago) the tyre is put on the wheel so that the 'road' side is in position and then the band put into place and then the key used to tighten it up. The inside edge of the tyre is then put on.
Dec 16, 2003
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Lorraine, Go to a good tyre depot, they will more than likely charge you a lot less than a caravan dealer. I only found this after I had paid
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Lorraine

There a number of posts on good old Tyrons - search for Tyron Bs in Technical.

The Bands are just that steel bands that run around the well of the wheel so that if the tyre deflates it stays on the rim rather than sliding into the well and then coming off. The tool mentioned IS just an extra long allen key. The kit is just that with multilingual instructions - useful for overseas punctures.

I strongly agree with those who have advised you to try a local tyre dealer rather than a caravan workshop.

I have posted before the prices I paid for the Tyron bands for my Avondale Landranger (twin-axle) at Tyrecare of St Helens in April 2004. The rices, I have the invoice in front of me, were

5 (incl spare wh) fitted Tyron bands @
Mar 14, 2005
I see a certain possible justification for Tyron bands on a caravan but I have reservations about having them fitted to a car. They certainly increase the rolling inertia of the wheels and their unsprung mass so unless someone can provide documentary evidence that this does not lead to increased wear of the wheel bearings or brakes, I would be very wary. In the case of emergency services using them, they are probably aware of this potential and take appropriate steps in their maintenance schedule.

I have had a tyre blow when driving solo at over 100mph (on the Continent) and at a slower speed on the caravan and in both cases everything was completely under control until I was able to come to a stop. That was also in the days before ABS and ESP. With these modern aids there should be no need to be unduly worried about a blowout.
Aug 28, 2005
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I don't share Lutz's pessimisms the only disadvantage I see is that the wheel would need a significantly larger add-on weight in order to balance. Lutz is right about the wide spread adoption by the Emergency services and he's also right about the fact that they adopt far shorter service or inspection checks. The thing is a blow out affects each car very differently depending on road condition, driver awareness, the car , it's load etc
Mar 14, 2005
If the car is still under warranty I'd still check with the manufacturer, though, just in case there is something special to watch if you have them fitted.

Actually, a much bigger danger than swerving in case of a blowout at speed is the damaged tyre catching fire and Tyron bands are not going to prevent that.
Mar 14, 2005
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Whilst I am do not have the technical expertise to comment on Lutz's reservations on having Tyrons fitted to cars I am now on my second towcar which I have had them fitted to. With both vehicles I have not noted any increased wear in on the brakes or wheel bearings since having them fitted.

I certainly feel safer with them fitted as my outfit of Vauxhall Monterey (Isuzu trooper) and Avondale Landranger (twin-axle) would seem to err towards considerable instability in the case of a high-speed blowout!!!


Mar 8, 2006
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Have you considered something like Ultraseal that fills the punctured hole instantly and should stop the tyre from blowing out and coming off the wheel? The Tyrons should stop the tyre from coming off but you are still left with a puncture.

I have Ultraseal in my car and motorbike and although I have not had a puncture yet I know that in theory it should prevent me from having to buy new tyres due to a pucture. There were a couple of ocassiosn that I spent approx


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