When you are sitting within 18 inches of someone, 'eavesdropping' is a given, unless you are deaf. It is also a given that most people speak louder when they are on the telephone. Must be a hangover from the old days of Bell & Co. On the positive side it means my 'carbon footprint' is low, and I also learn things I never knew before, even if I did not wish to.
Haymarket can of course do as they wish, as you state, but they also need as broad a market as possible. As many have found throughout history, principles are wonderful things, but they rarely put food on the table. Compromise has invariably been the best solution, as the chairman I am sure knows all too well.
By the way, when are they going to publish their latest financial results? 2007 was a long time ago in the current economic climate. I always like to read these things. I was also amused to see they list Royal Bank of Scotland as one of their brands. Now I know where Fred the Shred was spending all the loot. I also note they organise 'Forums' where people can discuss key subjects in a 'relaxed environment'. When is PC mag going to have one for us???