Upset advertisers in PC mag

Jan 2, 2006
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In Sept 2007 issue did you notice that the buyers guide started at Dethleffs and omitted for example Abbey and Bailey I bet they were impressed!


May 23, 2006
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I think i remember seeing that last month's Practical Caravan listed a-c, maybe they are building it into a more progressive database, bit by bit?

Can't wait for the next installment!
Jan 3, 2007
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They changed the buyers guide from listing all vans by manufacturer to listing them by number of berths earlir this year which, in most peoples opinion was a daft idea. Shortly after Carl returned as Editor they changed back to an Alphabetical listing which started A to C then went D Z for the last issue. They made a claim they did'nt have space to list all makes in every issue of the magazine. PC commented on page 164 of the September 07 issue that if anyone wants to review caravans starting A to C then you need to contact them to purchase the relevant back issue.

Come on Practical Caravan lets go back to the original format, it was'nt broken!
Mar 14, 2005
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Not only did they get that wrong. In the classified section for campsites they are forever listing campsites under the wrong county heading.

I'd be livid if I was a campsite operator.They really ought to employ someone on this section that at least has a grasp of UK towns and counties and where they are!

Apr 11, 2005
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In the past and still think that there are to many advertisers in the PC mag and in the past when it as been abort up the editor as said think to be buys with the mag and not lien to use lot who buy the mag and no some of you are say that they are not get the advertisers right.

With not point at any one carnet they see it needs sort out.

Jan 2, 2006
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?
Nov 7, 2005
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There's no question, PC have lost the plot recently with their listings - glad others share my irritation.

I can't believe their naivety - listings and specs are an essential part of the magazine as far as I'm concerned - I'm always checking out sizes, berths, weights etc, and I don't want to wait for next month to do it.

The editorial policy seems to be that if readers want complete listings, they will just have to buy a certain rival magazine - well they probably will, I have...
Apr 11, 2005
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?
Hi Plotter

Well I've past all the City & Gilds that they do at the college for CAD.

As I last said they were hope that I going to level the college and go look for jobs by my self.

I've still got funding till Dec to but if I level the college I lose that.

I have been look for work as I been doing my college cores but had no luck yet and the college did say that I would have a chance of do 4 week work expirations and if I leve I would miss out on that.

I would like to stay and do the work ex as It mite be the way for me to get back to work as a lot of explorers take a dime view on taken people on with disexer on .

In the past I got a way with out say about but it but now I got to work in a office part and I can see a lot of time when it going to let me down.

I am all so not happy how the training as been dun at the college with the CAD course that I been doing as a lot of the cores as be reading and this as not help as I not be taken it in very well. A lot of time they said it will get better for me but it just has not seem to and all so I get a feeling that I get pushed out to do with me having disexer which is a bit mad to me as the college is for disable people. I would like to say moor but I a bit stuck on how to put thing down.

Apr 11, 2005
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?

go back end of this mouth
Jan 2, 2006
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?
Sorry to hear that you are having a few problems and are worried that your dyslexia will put off employers.My daughter is profoundly deaf and completed both BA and Masters degrees at university but is struggling to get decent work,however a friend also deaf has for many years worked in Derby doing CAD and seems to have little problem,so I guess it is a case of finding the right employer,easier said than done,but do not give up trying.
Apr 11, 2005
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?
Hi The Plotter

I mite have a chase of a job but not shorn if I would like to go and work for them again.

It is hard to get a job now day if you got disability the government would say it easy as they got thing to help you get in to work but when it comes to it they do not like pay the same as other as You mite need help.

Your daughter as dun well to get a masters.

Owe son is deaf in one side and he is all so alltistick as well.

We have some one form Derby at the college as well who is doing CAD.

Apr 11, 2005
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?

It's a small world as we do live not thar from Darby.

May 12, 2006
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Morning Folks,

I think the only way to see if PC Mag has it right is to look at the circulation figures. If they are increasing they have it right for the majority. Which is who they are trying to please !!!

Val & Frank
Aug 9, 2007
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You cannot have a comprehensive full guide to ..... If half of it is missing each month...I couldn't believe it when I went out with my friend to buy him a brand new caravan, armed with what I thought was the ultimate reference guide, only to find the comprehensive guide didn't include the caravans he was looking at!

Plus I'm not sure that circulation figures will be affected because everyone will still buy it hoping that they have come to their senses and got it back to normal again.... and comprehensively this time.
Jul 6, 2007
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Octobers magazine (just received today) has gone back to the original format,with all makes listed and what I think is a much better pictorial display of layouts that are all on one page
Jan 2, 2006
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Mark,I would probably go with your thoughts but it remains that the mag is not interested in the readers but more the advertisers that pay for the mag and therefore their wages.

Either way what is the latest with your 'training/courses ?
We live between Jtn10 and 11 on M42
Jan 2, 2006
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Yes got mine but now what do people think of this latest fasion for (I cant remember the proper name) for this fold out advert pages that are thicker paper and I find really annoying.


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