personally always ensure I don’t use offensive language but very light mistakes by some people on here are easy to remove but, on the whole there seems very little bad language, but I agree the level of language is entirely down to moderators, I personally find the none stop use of posts that include glorying the mention of alcohol, certain people who post on here advocating alcohol in just about every posts they put on here, I read these and if this individual drinks to the levels he brags about then the soon he gets pulled by the police and removes his licence, there are definitely certain people on here who are part of a clique who post daily, the bragging regarding alcohol is unbelievable, nothing gets moaned at about the encouragement of alcohol is to my knowledge never taken off. Is it that any topic regardless of subject is perfectly ok as long as swear words are not used, surely the topic as well as the use of swearing is important or are certain people above the mods.