As we have a twin axle caravan recently we upgraded the motor over to an AWD motor mover. The old mover i now gathering dust in the garage until I can get around to selling it. Having the new AWD motor mover is a bit of a learning curve.
The Powertouch technician did demonstrate on the day that they did the job, but then we never used it for about 6 weeks so all is forgotten. If we wanted to do a tight turn on gravel, is it best when going backwards that we use i.e. the left bottom button and also the right top button together on the remote control? I can remember the tech guy telling us that we should stab at one of the buttons, but unsure now.
If going back in a straight line all 4 motors are going in the same direction, but when turning I cannot remember if one of the rear ones works in the opposite direction. Thanks for any input.
The Powertouch technician did demonstrate on the day that they did the job, but then we never used it for about 6 weeks so all is forgotten. If we wanted to do a tight turn on gravel, is it best when going backwards that we use i.e. the left bottom button and also the right top button together on the remote control? I can remember the tech guy telling us that we should stab at one of the buttons, but unsure now.
If going back in a straight line all 4 motors are going in the same direction, but when turning I cannot remember if one of the rear ones works in the opposite direction. Thanks for any input.