Sounds truly awful and we can only hope that your family come through it safely. Is there any concerted response yet from the authorities?
I hope they continue to keep safe and it quieten down as soon as possibleThanks to all those that offered sympathies. Last night they were able to have a night's sleep as looters have moved on nothing left to steal. They are going to try and get bread and milk today as yesterday the quote was 4 hours long and then the shop had to close early so going back today. Quite a long drive to the shop and back especially when there is no fuel available. They are safe which is the main thing!
Although it has quietened down in their area due to there being no goods to loot, the looting is still going on in other areas. Apparently they are bring milk and bread down to Kwazulu Natal using heavily armed police escort. There may be light at the end of the tunnel. This whole scenario was totally unexpected and caught every one on the back foot.Buckman, glad it has quietened down for your family, when We lived in Nigeria during problems , we always had frezzers filled with enough food for a month, at least 6 barrels of fuel for the landrover, ensured the armed gate guards had food, and their immidate families were inside our compounds.
Our house had two generators, with fuel for two weeks
Safe rooms, with power and water, 1000, Litres. On the roof. .
I will admit that it looked pretty nasty.
As I say, glad your family are safe. Not great when your not there to help.
They were looking at emigrating to NZ but Covid stopped that and now there is a very long delay. Now easier to look at moving to UK due to British ancestry.Time for your family to be concentrating their efforts on getting to a safe country now hopefully Buckman.
I hope the situation soon remedy and life returns to some normalityAs a follow up on the situation with food etc. The bank where daughter's hubby works as a contractor gave them two large food parcels. Every employee at the bank got exactly the same for their family. The food parcels were very substantial even had some luxury items.
The food parcels were brought down from bank's head office in Pretoria by a heavily armed escort. More parcels are on the way as no supermarkets are opening at present as no stock and they need to cleared up first.
TBH I think it is the beginning of the end! I do not generally read this newspaper, but read here and decide. hope the situation soon remedy and life returns to some normality