very lucky to keep my van

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Jan 19, 2008
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Quote .. Please don't get me going about those Eastern European Muslim Immigrant Travellers again,Parksy.

It's the Germans who get the Turks Dave, we get the rest like those from North Africa and the Middle East :O(

Unlike the tinkers it's not their caravans parked along the road, it's their a$$e$, waiting for the next convenient lorry :O)
Dec 9, 2007
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Honestly not wanting to stir things up,this is a geniune enquiry;did they ever catch that young traveller who killed the horse in the river at Appleby last year?

Dec 9, 2007
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Quote .. Please don't get me going about those Eastern European Muslim Immigrant Travellers again,Parksy.

It's the Germans who get the Turks Dave, we get the rest like those from North Africa and the Middle East :O(

Unlike the tinkers it's not their caravans parked along the road, it's their a$$e$, waiting for the next convenient lorry :O)
Hi LB.

A mate of mine tried to tell me that the Irish tinkers (call them what you will) had been kicked out of their own country by their government.

In my view they are welcome in their own country - as long as they abide by the laws of the land.

Since Eire tightened up their laws on travellers they've decided to come over here where the laws are as slack as a my granny's knicker elastic.
Jan 19, 2008
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The only ones who would recognise him from the pics in the papers are the travellers themselves. Don't expect them to grass each other up but more to the point they wouldn't buy a paper anyway because they can't read :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Dave

I was a bit angry that nothing could be done when my son was shot at, but they seemed to make a great deal of effort with this one. It was on our local paper, he was jailed for 42 days.

Apr 13, 2005
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Well its only ten days later and we now have another case not too far from me thats been reported in todays evening news, the article is below.

A PENSIONER was left with a broken arm after a thief stole his car and caravan. Rodney Rew, 70, was thrown across the road and left in agony as he prepared to go on holiday.

He was attaching his
Jan 19, 2008
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Five years hard labour will suffice when he's caught. If that doesn't cure him double it to 10. If he still insists in his evil ways double it again to 20.

Total that up and that so far is 35 years the cretin is removed from our streets and society. In 35 years he could cause a lot of heartache :O)


Five years hard labour will suffice when he's caught. If that doesn't cure him double it to 10. If he still insists in his evil ways double it again to 20.

Total that up and that so far is 35 years the cretin is removed from our streets and society. In 35 years he could cause a lot of heartache :O)
Chop his hand off, and then his feet if he can't cure his bad habits ;)
Dec 8, 2007
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You were very lucky indeed. I have read David's input and would say that we have an active HomeWatch scheme in our village. In the close where I live there are 16 homes, and we all keep a watchful eye on every one's property. I am the co-ordinator for the close. So really you can say that I and my neighbours are 'nosy neighbours', for which I am thankful, especially when I am away with the 'van. Many of us have the keys to each other's property as well.

Margaret W.
Jun 24, 2007
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The topic of these scum bags really gets my blood boiling, is it me or are they just popping up everywhere? We are in west yokshire and they are always returning to our old pit site and setting up camp leaving all their horrible mess when they leave, me and my other half went walking down the site after they had gone and the rubbish they left behind was horrendous, they even left a dead labradour puppy on top of some rubbish. I work in a school and some of the traveller kids have been attending. I just cant understand why they keep getting away with it something seriously needs to be done, we have to pay for site fees and council tax and everything else why shouldnt they!!!!! Sorry for ranting.

* * Modified from all UPPERCASE to readable case - Jeff (Moderator )* * * *
Dec 9, 2007
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The topic of these scum bags really gets my blood boiling, is it me or are they just popping up everywhere? We are in west yokshire and they are always returning to our old pit site and setting up camp leaving all their horrible mess when they leave, me and my other half went walking down the site after they had gone and the rubbish they left behind was horrendous, they even left a dead labradour puppy on top of some rubbish. I work in a school and some of the traveller kids have been attending. I just cant understand why they keep getting away with it something seriously needs to be done, we have to pay for site fees and council tax and everything else why shouldnt they!!!!! Sorry for ranting.

* * Modified from all UPPERCASE to readable case - Jeff (Moderator )* * * *
That wouldn't be Wheldale pit by any chance would it,Yorkie

Jun 24, 2007
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It's not politically correct to complain Yorkie so prepare to have your post deleted :O(
Lord!!! Do you mean politically incorrect like all the other posts? They are all ranting about it too, i am just putting my point of view across, theres nothing incorrect about it politically or not.

* * * Modified from all UPPERCASE to readable case Jeff (Moderator )* * * *
Jun 24, 2007
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The topic of these scum bags really gets my blood boiling, is it me or are they just popping up everywhere? We are in west yokshire and they are always returning to our old pit site and setting up camp leaving all their horrible mess when they leave, me and my other half went walking down the site after they had gone and the rubbish they left behind was horrendous, they even left a dead labradour puppy on top of some rubbish. I work in a school and some of the traveller kids have been attending. I just cant understand why they keep getting away with it something seriously needs to be done, we have to pay for site fees and council tax and everything else why shouldnt they!!!!! Sorry for ranting.

* * Modified from all UPPERCASE to readable case - Jeff (Moderator )* * * *
No dave but let me guess there are travellers there too, we went to scarborough at the weekend and there were a lot there too, just pitched up at the sides of roads horses, goats dogs the lot, there was a horse fair at seamer i guess thats why!!

* * Modified from all UPPERCASE to readable case Jeff (Moderator )* * * *


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