Vintage Caravan Insurance

Apr 20, 2023
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HI everyone,

We have tried to get Insurance for our 1986 Avondale Mayfly but have not had any luck. Tried the big boys out there (Caravan Guard etc) and most can't help as it's over 30 years old. Did find one Company through the Caravan Club who said they would cover it but only on a "current market value" basis - but they couldn't tell us what that was ?

The thing is, we've spent thousands on doing it up and having lovely new things fitted so it's "current market value" to us is well over £5,000.00

It's a bit like owning a Vintage / Classic car - where do you go to get proper Insurance cover on something like that ?

Any ideas who we can go to would be much appreciated. Many Thanks, Les
Nov 6, 2005
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HI everyone,

We have tried to get Insurance for our 1986 Avondale Mayfly but have not had any luck. Tried the big boys out there (Caravan Guard etc) and most can't help as it's over 30 years old. Did find one Company through the Caravan Club who said they would cover it but only on a "current market value" basis - but they couldn't tell us what that was ?

The thing is, we've spent thousands on doing it up and having lovely new things fitted so it's "current market value" to us is well over £5,000.00

It's a bit like owning a Vintage / Classic car - where do you go to get proper Insurance cover on something like that ?

Any ideas who we can go to would be much appreciated. Many Thanks, Les
Valuation of vintage/classic items is difficult, sometimes impossible, when there's no established market for it. From an insurance point of view, it's not worth a lot and any claim is likely to write it off so market value will be very low - sadly the amount of money and time you've spent restoring it won't be reflected in any insurance value - unless you can find an insurer who will insure it on a "agreed value" policy which is how many classic cars are insured.

Try Adrian Flux - they insure caravans and classic/modified cars so may be able to help.
Jan 20, 2023
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I’ll also throw Brentacre into the mix, excellent service insuring modified classic cars and they also insured a friends car trailer.


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