Warning!!!!!! Cash Machines

Oct 4, 2010
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Hi on tuesday i went along to local cash point to see if my husband & my wages had gone into account; got a mini statement should wages were there. I didn't withdraw any cash as i'd got some in my bag. Went off dropped car at garage then went home.

Got call to say car ready paid for work done on car.While out thought i'd pop to supermarket; arrived at checkout gave my debit card to young lady. After a couple of tries to swipe card she said there was a problem with card; not worry i said i'll go to cash machine.

So i went out went to withdraw cash said no funds! so i had another go came up pin blocked!!.I went back inside said sorry but i would have to leave shopping.

I sat in car and phoned bank, i was asked for passwords etc and was put on hold.

A lady gave me her name and said i'm from the fruad department.

She went on to tell me someone had cloned my bank card and spent all our wages leaving us with just 3.50 in the account!!

Most of the money had been used to buy softwear in the US and South Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After she told me this i couldn't say anything !!!!!!

She me to worry as we would get our money bank but it could take up 12 weeks before we see any monies going back into account.

So be very carefull when using cash machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry it was so long winded but i needed to tell people can happen to you.

Feb 24, 2008
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Hi Ann & Keith,

Sincerely sorry to hear your tale but the good news is we had a similar experience, as did my brother, and all monies were returned after a short while.

This is not necessarily a cash machine problem, cards can be cloned elsewhere with ease. In fact our local paper ran a story of a garage up the road having a cloning machine behind the counter which duplicated the details as the card and pin were put in on the machine on the counter!

In our case we had a call about 9pm one weekday evening from the bank to enquire about an irregular spending pattern - someone had used our card details in London and bought a few mobile phones within a few hours - we had absolutely no idea, like you are card was still in our possession. I have to praise technology that allows this to be picked up so quickly, its marvellous when you think about it. In my brother's case someone had bought various items of furniture in London and the same process kicked in.

It used to be that the "signed for" card purchases were more of a risk, you know the ones where they slide the card reader over a bit of paper etc. and you sign, but now it seems the chip and pin is at risk too. Try not to worry, I know its enough to make a Saint swear but it should merely be a huge inconvenience, not the end of the world, you should rightly have your money returned along with any monies accrued by being overdrawn!

Good luck
May 13, 2006
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Some card suppliers really are on the ball. A few weeks ago I was buying something on the internet - not a huge purchase, a little over
Oct 4, 2010
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I know its not the end of the world now that i,ve calmed down.

I can think stright about it all.

Police are almost certin that it was the cash point i used on tue.

My heart gose out to everyone that it happen's too.

Thanks for your comments.

Ann & Keith
Mar 14, 2005
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Re cash machines. My wife is partially disabled, and sometimes needs to use a wheelchair, which she hates, as she is a very independent lady! Yesterday, we both had to go to our respective banks. Herself went to the cash machine inside our Co-operative bank, whilst I went to my bank across the road. The cash machine she used is one of those which only allows a very small tip of the card to grip to pull it from the machine, Sadly, Herself's fingers are not good, and she could not grip the card to pull it out.She called for help, but obviously could not leave the machine. Apparently, two customers and the cashier looked at her as though she was crazy, and then ignored her. Consequently, the machine then swallowed the card.When I arrived back on the scene, I was greeted by my now distraught wife, still in her chair, not knowing what to do. I went to the counter and asked the cashier what we do next.She replied that the machine was only opened once a week, and we would have to apply for a new card. When I asked why she had not helped my wife, she said that she hadn't realised that there was a problem!

Strong letter to the bank will follow, plus closure of that account.

What the hell happened to public service?
Apr 23, 2007
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I'm worried.

I have one of those bottomles pit accounts called The One Account. This means that when I go the cashpoint and get a balance enquiry it says 'you are overdrawn by


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