Hi on tuesday i went along to local cash point to see if my husband & my wages had gone into account; got a mini statement should wages were there. I didn't withdraw any cash as i'd got some in my bag. Went off dropped car at garage then went home.
Got call to say car ready paid for work done on car.While out thought i'd pop to supermarket; arrived at checkout gave my debit card to young lady. After a couple of tries to swipe card she said there was a problem with card; not worry i said i'll go to cash machine.
So i went out went to withdraw cash said no funds! so i had another go came up pin blocked!!.I went back inside said sorry but i would have to leave shopping.
I sat in car and phoned bank, i was asked for passwords etc and was put on hold.
A lady gave me her name and said i'm from the fruad department.
She went on to tell me someone had cloned my bank card and spent all our wages leaving us with just 3.50 in the account!!
Most of the money had been used to buy softwear in the US and South Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After she told me this i couldn't say anything !!!!!!
She me to worry as we would get our money bank but it could take up 12 weeks before we see any monies going back into account.
So be very carefull when using cash machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it was so long winded but i needed to tell people can happen to you.
Got call to say car ready paid for work done on car.While out thought i'd pop to supermarket; arrived at checkout gave my debit card to young lady. After a couple of tries to swipe card she said there was a problem with card; not worry i said i'll go to cash machine.
So i went out went to withdraw cash said no funds! so i had another go came up pin blocked!!.I went back inside said sorry but i would have to leave shopping.
I sat in car and phoned bank, i was asked for passwords etc and was put on hold.
A lady gave me her name and said i'm from the fruad department.
She went on to tell me someone had cloned my bank card and spent all our wages leaving us with just 3.50 in the account!!
Most of the money had been used to buy softwear in the US and South Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After she told me this i couldn't say anything !!!!!!
She me to worry as we would get our money bank but it could take up 12 weeks before we see any monies going back into account.
So be very carefull when using cash machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it was so long winded but i needed to tell people can happen to you.