Wastemaster - which hole(s) do you use?

Jul 20, 2005
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Away recently with the caravan, OH remarked that some people seemed to use their Wastemasters differently from us. We put the outlet tube from the caravan into the hole on the raised part of the Wastemaster and OH empties it from the hole at the bottom, releasing the cap at the top to allow air through. However, he tells me that he has seem people emptying from the hole at the top and even from the hole on the raised part. Also, we have seen people on site with their outlet tube in the top end. Surely, if they do this, the Wastemaster won't hold much?
What do others do and what is the right approach?

Jul 9, 2013
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I normally do exactly she same as you, Jo. The only difference is that if I'm on a site where the emptying point is difficult to get to, or requires lifting the Wastemaster up to the drain* then I use the top filler hole so I'm forced to empty it when it's only half the weight of a full tank.

As long as you're not spilling grey waste everywhere, I guess the right approach is whatever works for you, but the one you and I are using seems to be the one that makes most sense.

* There's one site we stay at where the grey emptying point is built into the elsan waste point and the wastemaster has to be lifted about a metre before it can be emptied.
Feb 9, 2009
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Sometimes the hole at the top of the raised section is too high to use and then I use the lower hole in the top but I always empty through the side hole in the raised section
Jun 4, 2011
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As Mike says it all depends on the site in question. Ordinarily it will be the top raised opening I use but often the site will dictate which hole to use. If there is a little room then I;ll use the bottom hole.
Jun 20, 2005
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Same as you. Also like Gozza we sometimes fill via the top hole due to restricted ground clearance.
A full wastemaster is very heavy and lifting it must be a recipe for a damaged back!
Aug 15, 2011
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I always use the hole on the raised section and have to date never had a problem on any site with clearance.
Using it this way allows me to use short lengths of pipes and I run them over the top of the wastemaster so they are supported all the
May 24, 2014
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Guess there is no set way, but remember some caravanners are elderly (no....really?), others infirm and some less than robust. Wastemasters full are extremely weighty and I have been on at least one site which needed me to lift the whole thing off the ground. Easiest hole is always the best.

What is more strange is watching people with the jockey wheel off the floor and trying to level the van with all four legs.


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