Water Hook Up

Jan 19, 2025
Hi, I'm new to caravanning. Does anyone know if the Whale Truma Ultraflow Mains Water Hook Up Adaptor Connector is compatible with my Lunar Frystar 615 2006 caravan I have a mains water connection on the pitchwatermaster-mains-water-connection-ultra-flow-29324-p.jpg
Nov 6, 2005
I have a 2013 Lunar Clubman - as standard, it came with the Truma Waterline mains water connection - I've tried it but the pressure limiter reduces the pressure significantly below that of the conventional submersible pump - so now I stick with the barrel and submersible pump and just use the waterline hose to top the barrel up each morning - that way I get full pressure in the caravan and don't have to carry any water.
Apr 23, 2024
Just a point ,Whale and Truma inlets are different to each other , the kit you have shown has the whale fitting and an adapter to fit a Truma inlet, if you have the truma inlet ( pistol type fitting) then you could by the truma only version a lot cheaper than the one you have shown.
I have never used on , preferring the internal float ball valve in the aquaroll. Whichever one you opt for remember to disconnect it when away from the van , I had a customer who didn't and a fitting inside the van let go and the van was flooded to a depth of 25-50mm, fortunately nearby caravanners spotted the water pouring out of the drop holes/door and turned off the supply
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Jan 19, 2025
I have a 2013 Lunar Clubman - as standard, it came with the Truma Waterline mains water connection - I've tried it but the pressure limiter reduces the pressure significantly below that of the conventional submersible pump - so now I stick with the barrel and submersible pump and just use the waterline hose to top the barrel up each morning - that way I get full pressure in the caravan and don't have to carry any water.
Thanks for the reply but my van is 2006 and I don't think it has truma waterline mains water connection only truma connection and water barrel and pump
Thanks I will have a look at the trauma version
Thanks for the reply but my van is 2006 and I don't think it has truma waterline mains water connection only truma connection and water barrel and pump
Nov 6, 2005
Thanks for the reply but my van is 2006 and I don't think it has truma waterline mains water connection only truma connection and water barrel and pump
I was suggesting you don't need it! Just retain the barrel / pump and use a hose from the pitch water point to top the barrel up each morning - cheaper and retains the full pump pressure.
Mar 14, 2005
Further to Rogers reply above, by using a float valve in water barrel also prevents the risk of an internal flood should the waterlines internal pressure reducer fail and send excess pressure into the caravans pipe work which could very easily cause a lot of damage. Its an insurance to remove a risk.
Jan 19, 2002
I have a generic hose and float valve to fit between the supply and the aquaroll then using the standard pump between this and caravan. Then the supply tap can be left turned on to refill the barrel as water is used in the van. As I remember cost under 30.00.
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Jan 19, 2025
I have a generic hose and float valve to fit between the supply and the aquaroll then using the standard pump between this and caravan. Then the supply tap can be left turned on to refill the barrel as water is used in the van. As I remember cost under 30.00.
Many thanks, I have decided to go with the float option it seems to be the best way to go from all the comments I have received. I found one on Amazon for £27
Jan 19, 2025
I have a generic hose and float valve to fit between the supply and the aquaroll then using the standard pump between this and caravan. Then the supply tap can be left turned on to refill the barrel as water is used in the van. As I remember cost under 30.00.
Further to Rogers reply above, by using a float valve in water barrel also prevents the risk of an internal flood should the waterlines internal pressure reducer fail and send excess pressure into the caravans pipe work which could very easily cause a lot of damage. Its an insurance to remove a risk.
Many thanks, I have decided to go with the float option it seems to be the best way to go from all the comments I have received. I found one on Amazon for £27
Oct 19, 2023
Many thanks, I have decided to go with the float option it seems to be the best way to go from all the comments I have received. I found one on Amazon for £27
Half the price here.

Jan 19, 2002
I think you will find that the link Beardy supplied above is for the float mechanism only and does not come complete with hose and tap fittings!
Oct 19, 2023
I think you will find that the link Beardy supplied above is for the float mechanism only and does not come complete with hose and tap fittings!
Steveg posted:

......I have decided to go with the float option ............. I found one on Amazon for £27
No mention of a hose and fittings, however, if those are required there is a complete 'food grade' kit for £16.50 on the link I posted.
Jan 3, 2012
Many thanks, I have decided to go with the float option it seems to be the best way to go from all the comments I have received. I found one on Amazon for £27
We had the float option on our caravan i think the price you found is great 🙏
Mar 14, 2005
There is often a question arises about the need to use a food grade system. The reason why it might be important, is with food grade system you should have confidence there are no harmful chemicals or materials used in the system if it isn't marked food or potable water approved, you have no means of knowing what chemicals have been used in the materials or production of the item, just as one example yellow colourings that were frequently used in garden hose fittings used to contain Cadmium, a highly toxic chemical. The use of Cadmium was banned in the UK and EU, but who knows what shenanigans the far eastern copy cat companies get up to. That just one of several common chemical used in plastics manufacturing.

The added risk with a water hose, is if the hose is left under pressure it will swell slightly, and that will stretch the inner wall which can then begin to release some of the chemicals used to manufacture the pipe. These are the washed through when the water flows again.

FOr water supplies I do recommend using branded potable water fittings, not the ultra cheap knock offs. They may be OK for loo cistern, but not recommended where water might be ingested.
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