Water ingress😠😠😠

Jun 20, 2005
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Well at 11 years old the poor old Wyoming has been leaking. The NSF window rubber gasket has failed. It was changed by my mobile engineer two years ago. A small section of wall board has failed , about 3” square. The timber rail inside the front locker box is saturated. That’s the bad news. The rest of the old girl is still watertight.
My engineer discovered the new window rubber seal which comes complete with sealant has failed. In fact the sealant never adhered in the first place. With no prompting he has offered to fully replace the entire seal. Repair with new wall board and ensure any wet timbers are fully dried out. All foc. Seems he buys theses seals in 30 mtr length. He’s now worried he may have fitted the faulty seals to other caravans. What a nightmare.
Any way full marks to the decent mobile engineer.
Nov 11, 2009
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My Bailey Bordeaux had a slight leak around the nearside front window after 9 years. It was quite minor and only cost around £200 to rectify.

But your technicians response is absolutely brilliant. Not often that you can get such superb service. Would it be worth offering his website details to forum.
Jun 20, 2005
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My Bailey Bordeaux had a slight leak around the nearside front window after 9 years. It was quite minor and only cost around £200 to rectify.

But your technicians response is absolutely brilliant. Not often that you can get such superb service. Would it be worth offering his website details to forum.
Thanks Clive and Parksy.
We had the Wyoming from new and have all the annual service stickers. The only damp I’ve had was caused by a leaking sink waste pipe. All dried out and fixed by me. This one caught us off guard and has obviously developed critically over the last 12 months .
So my mobile engineer, fully qualified , is Martin Pearce of the Caravan Medic, based in Swindon. He is mobile but also has a large workshop just outside of Swindon for all major repairs. He is a caravanner too!
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Mar 14, 2005
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I have never met Martin, but contacted him by e mail last year when we had problem with cracked rear panel in our Lunar, he was very helpful and gave what turned out to be really good advice,if we were nearer Swindon I would like to have used him to service our van based on the way he helped us.
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Jun 20, 2005
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You could always use these good guys on your travels down south. In fact one our Woosies
runs his own mobile caravan engineering firms out of Leeds covering a good part of Yorkshire. It’s our Steve t/a G&G Mobile Caravan Services.
Jun 20, 2005
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As an aside my “Damian” gave me a temporary fix that should last a couple of months until the final fix. He liberally spread Vaseline into the window seal . I can see his “fix” will stop water penetration for a long while. Not a bad tip and so far it is working.


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