Water pumping issues-dealer pulled a fast one?

Mar 24, 2016
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Hi bought our coachman amara around 11 months ago from a reputable dealer. Most of last year it was fine with only one or two niggles with the water pressure. Now I'm another year older and wiser I have noticed that the no return valve has been removed and replaced with a 90 degree elbow.
What reason would anyone have for doing this? I have no water
now and don't know if it's the surge damper , the pump, the return valve or what? now faced with the prospect of calling someone out to diagnose the problem. Going to ring the dealer in the morning to ask why this caravan had its non return valve removed.
If I'm honest..... I smell a rat.

Thoughts anyone please?
Feb 3, 2008
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You don't say whether the 90 degree elbow was put in before or after you had water pressure niggles. How do you know a non-return valve was removed? Is the water system controlled by pressure switch or micro switch? How old is the van? Which water inlet system does the van have? What were the pressure niggles as a van's water pressure is not adjustable - it's either there or its not, and maintained by one of 2 systems.

A pressure detected system with an inlet filter would have 2 non-return valves built in, one in the filter housing and one in the pressure switch. A separate non-return valve would not be needed. The pressure switch detects when

I have no experience with a micro-switched system but it may have a separate valve as it doesn't have a pressure switch.

Edit - I don't think non-return valves are available in a 90 degree format in any case so I can't see one being replaced in like-for-like format.
Mar 14, 2005
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I agree with WC. You have not provided enough detail to allow us any chance of establishing what the problem is, and I certainly don't think you have given us enough reason to concure with your suspicion of any sort of underhand activity by the dealer.

There are numerous reasons why your water supply is not working. Until it is proprly diagnosed, its far too soon to blame the dealer, it may be something you have done or failed to do. Just a quick thjought though, if you have a submersible pump, you may have an air lock in it. When you change the water container it's sometimes necessary to disconnect the pump from the side of the caravan, and then drop it into the container. This allows the water to fill the pumping chamber, then reconnect it to the caravan.
Mar 8, 2009
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Does the pump run? - Have you a spare/borrow one.To test.
Is the drain valve closed?
If you haven't changed anything the solution won't be far away!
Mar 24, 2016
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Okay I was a bit emotional an bitter last night haha , I have a 2008 amara with a truma ultra flow , system fitted with a surge damper / pressure switch. Pump is running on for ever. Tried turning the pressure switch from end to end with no success, am I looking at a faulty pressure switch ? As it's the switch that provides the voltage to the pump.
Looked at the price of a new one and it's pretty scary. Is there anything that can go wrong with these switches? Dry joints etc.....

I find your knowledge encouraging

Feb 3, 2008
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Leela1 said:
Is there anything that can go wrong with these switches?

Yes, the contacts on the microswitch can weld together (due to frequent operation) giving your symptoms. The built-in non-return valve can also fail. Have had both problems over the years.

As you've found out, anything for a caravan is expensive. :evil:
Jun 20, 2005
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Have you read Sir WC post ?
Every question he asks requires an answer to help us answer your problem.
Over to you.
It seems your pump is the type that is immersed in the aquaroll? ?
Once we have all your answers solutions will follow rapidly
Mar 24, 2016
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Yes it's the submersible type. I've answered above.
Are the contacts accessible? I've taken the PCB off was going to go re-do the joints but have no solder with me doh! Got the iron but no solder.
Jun 20, 2005
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Okay Leela.
Let's keep it simple for the moment.
My initial thought is an air leak or block.
Sir WC and Sir Gabs have recognised your problem is more likely simple than complex.
Do you get full pressure water from all taps hot and cold including shower?
Feb 3, 2008
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Leela1 said:
I've taken the PCB off was going to go knee the joints but have no solder with me doh! Got the iron but no solder.

????????? There is no PCB in the pressure switch. It only consists of a mechanical diaphragm to push the micro-switch button.

Suggest you call someone in.
Nov 6, 2005
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I believe Coachman use a Truma Ultraflow Surge Damper? This is an integrated pressure switch and surge damper. As this is electronic maybe this has the pcb in it?
Mar 24, 2016
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I'll have another play today. What I did notice though when I removed the pcb was that the rubber seal round the sensor was a bit ragged, this could cause air to get in and give a false reading. If I get nowhere today I'll strip it out again and source the part number of the component concerned and look at replacing that rather than giving truma £100 for a new complete unit.
Nov 6, 2005
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To be honest they should apologize with the reference to the dealer "i smell a rat" as it was totally unfounded? After many people offered to help with hardly any info provided and to be shouted at when helpful info was provided all i can say is good luck with future problems!
Mar 24, 2016
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with the greatest respect .............

Who was shouting? certainly not me.
its the problem we all have when reading text that there is no accent with the text so you cannot fully understand the context in which it was written. and those of us that are easily offended get just that.
so apologies for any offence caused as there was none intended.
I do have to laugh though
the only advice given was call someone in.

I don't think so.

the fault it would appear was with the Pressure switch/damper. (which indeed has a internal pcb and sensor)
to replace this unit prices on line vary between £79-130.
unit was dismantled and upon doing so I noticed the seal around the sensor was slightly perished, but not to the point that this would be the problem - this could be due to a previous person removing it and refitting incorrectly causing damage to the flange.

If I switched the pump off at the main switch then switch it on it would pump for a few seconds and then stop, and as soon as you opened a tap it would come on as it should, but then not turn off when you close the tap ,but if you click main switch off and on again even very quickly it would reset and stop again after a few secs.
which drew my attention to the surge damper PCB once again , played with the adjuster on it and eventually got it to play ball.

The curious thing is I played with the adjuster from end to end at the beginning of the whole operation with no noticeable difference. Perhaps it was a dry solder joint as I went over these during all my messing about.

So bottom line , I think it was the surge damper PCB Dry solder joint.
Would recommend checking these joints before anyone shells out for a new unit at £100+.

Thanks everyone.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think this thread needs a further comment.

Please remember this is a public forum, and not everyone will understand or appreciate a joke that relies on a personal understanding of a particular situation. We don;t all share the same sense of humour.

Stick to the facts, and only write things that you would be prepared to state in front of the person it may be about.
Jul 15, 2008
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.........at least the OP gave us the full story and what the outcome was which increasingly does not happen on this forum.
I for one was interested in what seems to be an unnecessary complicated pressure switch / surge damper.
I am glad I do not have one in my caravan!

The OP may not appreciate that the use of capital letters is considered to be shouting on this forum. (abbreviations excepted)


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