Jan 31, 2010
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Ok I bought this caravan yesterday and have been trying to work out how to use it.I think I have worked out where the electric cable goes so now need to buy one. With the water I guess i need to buy some kind of container. There are taps inside and tubes. The guy I bought it from said the pump had been replaced last year and it had hot water but I can't work out how to use it. On the outside there is a pull down flap that says use drinking water on it do I need to buy a container to fix there. How does it pump it up to come out of the taps?
Jan 19, 2008
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Considering your questions CV I'm surprised the person who you bought the van off hadn't gone over the workings with you. Do as NGH says and I'm just hoping you haven't bought a pig in a poke, a van full of damp.