Nov 11, 2009
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Never had a problem with water on French sites but in some areas it can be quite a chloriney taste so we use bottled for drinking and drinks. Bottled is very cheap in France.
Mar 14, 2005
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Every country in the EU has to meet the same standards for water quality and I think the French own some of the UK water companies! We tend to use bottled water but we do at home as well. My only concern about using taps of sites in Europe is some of the things I have seen them used for! I took a photo in Germany last year of someone rinsing their toilet out at a drinking water tap!
Dec 11, 2009
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I drank tap water in Brittany last year, no ill effects. Then again, no matter where I am I always do
Dec 14, 2006
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We drink the tap water without problems, but NEVER through the aquaroll. We always draw it off fresh and put a jug in the fridge for cold water, and fill the kettle each time for hot drinks. We tend to keep a 5 litre bottle in the caravan for daily top ups, but always refill it during the day so it's never more than 12 hours old.
I had serious health problems, not proven to be caused by mould in the pipework, but once we stopped drinking from the aquaroll all my symptoms cleared up and I've had no problems since.
Aug 15, 2009
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Thankyou for all your replys! i think we will be ok then and im pretty sure my dad wouldnt have paid for bottle water when we used to go to the dordogne thinking about it!
Val i never drink from the caravan taps either! we always have a 5 litre bottle we refill for the kettle or squash etc- actually i think they are ready for sterilizing.
Aug 9, 2010
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lauramumof3 said:
Thankyou for all your replys! i think we will be ok then and im pretty sure my dad wouldnt have paid for bottle water when we used to go to the dordogne thinking about it!
Val i never drink from the caravan taps either! we always have a 5 litre bottle we refill for the kettle or squash etc- actually i think they are ready for sterilizing.
I guess I must be the exception that proves the rule, as I have never bought water, and have drunk from the caravan tap (ie from the Aquaroll,) for forty years, and I'm still around.
( Herself has just corrected me - we did use bottled water ONCE, in Norfolk)
Mar 21, 2007
Nobody has mentioned teeth cleaning, we clean ours using the caravan water system and have not come to any harm yet and I supose its the same as drinking it but in small quantities.
Jul 28, 2008
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We've used on-site water via either the Aquaroll or mains water connection (if available) for years (cold, boiled, frozen ice cubes, and for teeth cleaning - all still ours!), and apart from my hair starting to fall out and occasional insanity on my part, no ill effects.
Aug 31, 2008
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My family and I have been drinking tap water via the our aquaroll all over Continental Europe for nearly 20 years and never suffered any ill effects whatsoever. We don't drink bottled water on principle - I cannot see why water of "who-knows-what quality if improved by it being kept in plastic bottles, which may well leach chemicals into the water, is an improvement. I'd rather spend my hard-earned cash on something of proven value - like a bottle of French cidre!!
If we were talking about Third World countries it would obviously be different.
Dec 14, 2006
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I'm sure most people are fine drinking water through their caravan water system - but having seen what was inside of a stripped down Whale pump, and blue pipework (always kept meticulously clean as per instructions), I stopped drinking the water through the caravan water system and always draw off drinking water straight from the site tap - tooth-brushing too! My alarming symptoms which always occurred when on holiday and just after we returned, and which involved extensive tests including brain and MRI scans never happened again!
It would be interesting to see some proper tests, though, of what comes out of a caravan water system in terms of purity, etc. I'm surprised that this does not appear to ever have been done - either by the manufacturers, or by a Caravan magazine or I can't find any published results.
Aug 15, 2009
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you dont need to go off on one! im not saying that i think its wrong to drink from your caravan taps if you want to thats fine and nobodys saying that your gonna croak it! or lose teeth or hair-how silly!!
i personally think its a bit manky the pipes must get fusty- and we prefer to drink out of a refilled bottle!


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