I never condone attacks on anyone for any reason, however it is possibly a fault of the Internet that because there is no physical interaction, any disability, unless specified, can be misunderstood. We all communicate with a variety of methods, usually involving facial movements, arm movements as well as the spoken word. Therefore writing is only a single medium, and is taken dare I suggest, at face value. We have all read identical books and had completely different interpretations of the purpose of the script.
It is also ufortunate that our education system has created a whole generation of people to whom the skills of reading and writing have deliberately been ignored and therefore not mastered. This is due to their own desire to opt out of society as they feel it is unimportant. This has tended to cloud those to whom there is a real issue of communication.
I am not for a moment suggesting anyone should wear a badge, or even carry a bell, but somehow we need to be made aware of what is a true situation. Otherwise guesswork takes control. In recent years there has been an increase in certain disorders in our society. Whether this is due to greater awareness and understanding of the problems, or due to other factors , I do not know as I am not qualified to comment.
Again, I feel that our 'desire' to adsorb the so called advantages of the Internet have led to a deterioration in courtesy, which no one would tolerate in face to face contact. The proliferation of webs such as Facebook, Twitter and of course Google etc merely allow people to commit 'verbal indecent exposure' and will sooner or later turn round and bite them hard. Reality TV Shows are a prime example of the desire of many people to laugh at the failings of others and why we tolerate them is beyond my understanding. Entertainment it most certainly is not.
My advice to Mark is to take a break and allow time to heal any hurt. However, as others have mentioned when you are knocked down, it is time to get back up and fight again.