Whale Aqua smart II on-board water pump

Jul 4, 2006
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We have a S6 Pageant with the mentioned water, just come back from a weekend away, first night set up, the pump wouldn't switch off!!.

Lots of gurgling initially (got me worried) then water came out of the tap at bit, wait for it to spit the air out and then for the pump to stop once the air was expelled and the system was pressurised. Trouble is it didn't stop. Just sat there whirring away. So drained the system many times still the same. Checked filter, pipework etc not problem. After an hour or so got really fed up of draining the water filling the outside barrel. Left it alone, went and drank half a bottle of wine and fell asleep. Woke up in the morning thought lets just try one more time before I ring to book it in for repair - no change. Anyway after I rang - sods law the ******ing thng started working and has done since - bother!!!!!!!!

Any ideas so that when we go away again in 10 days time it won't happen again. I feel it may be an airlock or something if so how can I cure it????
Mar 14, 2005
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It sounds like a problem with the pressure switch which could have just been stuck or as you say affected by air in the system or even a bad joint allowing loss of pressure

Hopefully it will be Ok now but if you have a problem next time out you can switch off at the pump switch on the control panel before returning to the dealer

One last thought check the pressure in the surge damper
Jul 4, 2006
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I noticed there was a white sealed tube like thing with surge damper on it - there doesn't seem to be an adjustment facility ??

I did switch off the pump - and didn't use the water system at all that night as I couldn't be sure the tank was full so I didn't want to heat it in case I blew the heating element. Madam (daughter) was not best pleased by having to wash her hands in cold water out of a bottle!!. ( Wine had kicked in by then and I later thought just heat the water a little in the kettle doh. I've tested it tonight and it's still working fine, but testing it was a pain as it's dark and raining lots here in Cornwall now.
Mar 14, 2005
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On the Fiamma surge damper there is a car type valve that you can check the pressure and pump up if needed

I will check the Whale one on the van in the morning and report back
Feb 4, 2007
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On my senator which I think has the same system, if the hose fitting is not pushed fully home into the socket (which is easier said than done) the pump draws air and cannot pressure the system. Wipe the inside of the socket clean and apply alittle olive oil to the tube inside the socket and the hole on the plug then push firmly home. Since I satarted doing this it works perfectly and is much quieter. It can be difficult to pull it back out again though

Colin A
Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry on checking there seems to be no pump up point on the surge damper

Spraying the inlet socket box with silicone furniture polish worked wonders for inserting/removing the pump
Jul 4, 2006
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The air leakage problem sounds about right - that would be the gurgling sound then and why the pump wouldn't switch off as it couldn't pressurise the system. I'll try the suggestions when I get a day off - I'm not going out with a bottle of olive oil and some furniture polish in the dark.


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