What a sight on site

Jan 19, 2008
After seeing a 'lady' recently at Englethwaite Hall who seemed to be dressing for a bet I thought I'd seen it all.
She had bright orange clowns hair and was wearing a blouse of many hues of pink, large baggy pink shorts and shocking pink ankle socks.
Her shoes was of the high platform variety which made her walk with a bandy gait.
I'll admit she did seem a bit Dolly Dimple but this week at Top Lodge I've seen worse.
A female passed our caravan on the way to reception and I commented to Her Ladyship that it was mutton dressed as lamb.
She was wearing rust coloured tights (although Her Ladyship reckoned it was spray tan), ballet shoes and a white frock with flowers which had frills around the arms and hem. The hem came half way up her thighs

It was on her way back from reception that Her Ladyship nearly choked on a sausage.
She wasn't expecting my shock statement of "bloody hell it's a bloke".

Now in all honesty 'she' was ugly as a bloke so it was waste of time trying to pretty himself up. The straight auburn hair was obviously a wig which stood out from 'her' neck.
Everyday 'she' had a new frock on but always halfway up the thigh, flared out and puffed short sleeves with the ballet shoes. 'She' was
a throwback to the 50s.
Now in fairness, to my knowledge, 'she' didn't cause anyone any problems but what makes a person wear such ridiculous clothes on a campsite which makes 'her' stand out from everyone else

I named her Jennifer Eccles. I'll leave you to guess why

The only thing that really put me off was today when 'she' was packing up to go home. With 'her' bending
down all the time you could see 'her' white rompers (sicky icon thingy).
I did wonder what the neighbours say. Does 'she' pull into a layby before arriving home and get changed?
May 8, 2010
As they say it takes all sorts, maybe he/she felt comfortable amonst strangers enough to dress in a manner that expressed his/ her personality. Live and let live I say, even if some of the chosen attire is migraine inducing.

I am sure you are picture of sartorial elegance at all times your Lordship, maybe you could give some fashion tips for cross dressers who don't meet your approval, Gok Wan style perhaps.
Jan 19, 2008
Joann said:
I am sure you are picture of sartorial elegance at all times your Lordship, maybe you could give some fashion tips for cross dressers who don't meet your approval, Gok Wan style perhaps.

I certainly can Fred Joann but not as good as Gwok girlfriend. He would find 'her' some nice cami-knickers instead of the baby rompers
Jan 19, 2008
Thinking back on this, although not a nice thought, maybe they were afterall cami-knickers because a male carries more tackle than a female which could cause them to hang almost as low as 'her' hemline

Certainly not a thong (another pukey icon thingy).
Jan 21, 2014
We experienced a very similar thing at Bunree - must be 25 years ago, a bloke in a fluffy pink jumper and falsies!

My kids still laugh about it now!!
May 8, 2010
In Thailand they say the best looking girls are not girls, the same can not be said in this country.

I occaisionally work with Female to Male transgender patients and they all dress perfectly nomally in accordance with their gender identity, but as has been noted many male to female cross dressers and transgender individuals sometimes seem to dress in a bizarre parody of femininity.
Maybe they lack a positive role model in the public eye (Grayson Perry excluded) Perhaps his Lordship would agree to have the work done and show the way?
Oct 19, 2007
I'm amazed this post hasn't been deleted, many posts that are also not politically correct have been binned within minutes.


Nov 12, 2009
I've had a look at it Timbo and as far as I can see the post is lighthearted and not offensive. I don't think that the topic crosses any politically correct boundaries as such, Lord B appears to be complaining because he thinks that the gentleman dressed in female attire could have made more of an effort.
Jun 20, 2005
In truth I think his Lord and Ladyship cocked up and found themselves at the annual transvestite rally.
Jan 19, 2008
Dustydog said:
In truth I think his Lord and Ladyship cocked up and found themselves at the annual transvestite rally.

Heh! heh! DD

A little birdy told me you had booked your tickets for Cornwall next May which is when they are next meeting
Jan 19, 2008
Parksy - Moderator said:
Lord B appears to be complaining because he thinks that the gentleman dressed in female attire could have made more of an effort.

Correct Parksy even if he had to improve his dress sense by 100%.
Actually I'm surprised that someone has mentioned about the post being deleted. I thought we were beginning to see the end of the politically correct thought police and were now entering a new era.
Jan 19, 2008
Joann said:
Maybe they lack a positive role model in the public eye (Grayson Perry excluded) Perhaps his Lordship would agree to have the work done and show the way?

Now come on Joann, you are asking a bit too much of His Windyship

If you think I'm going to strut my stuff in high heels and red lippy whilst sticking my chest out you'd better think again
Aug 25, 2010
"If you think I'm going to strut my stuff in high heels and red lippy whilst sticking my chest out you'd better think again

Denial is normally the first line of defense in such cases

Like Joan I have also worked with transgender people and in the main they are a great bunch of people who are very brave to disclose their sexuality in public given the bigoted opinions of a narrow minded minority
Oct 19, 2007
I'm just pointing out that there appears to be no consistency on this forum about what is allowed and what is deleted, you don't think it offensive Parksy but maybe I do? I have posted things that I don't consider to be offensive but obviously you/Damian does and they have been deleted. It seems very much about what you as moderators feel is appropriate/inappropriate on a personal level and not what conforms to any set down criteria. I know we have "forum etiquette" but there are a lot of grey areas, thats all I'm saying and I don't always agree that this forum is fair in what it allows or disallows. Thats all, no great shakes..


Nov 12, 2009
No matter what a moderator does or does not do it's a guaranteed fact that somebody will not agree with the action taken, or in this case not taken and this is something that moderators have learned to live with.
Different forum moderators may at times adopt a slightly different approach to things because we are individuals, so you are right Timbo, there could well be inconsistencies which crop up from time for which we apologise.
If the forum is to function in any meaningful way moderators must try to allow discussions to take place rather than stifling them before they have had chance to develop in case someone might be offended. This particular section of the forum can be very difficult to deal with at times, it's clearly for gossip, jokes and non caravan related discussion and debate and it can be difficult to decide where to draw the line.
Moderators are actual people, not machines or computer programmes so unfortunately a few decisions will inevitably be based on the individual judgement, life experience and personal intuition of a moderator and apart from forum etiquette and the terms and conditions for the use of the forum there are no set down criteria as such, which might explain the perceived lack of conformity to consistently applied criteria.
I'm sorry if you don't agree that the forum is fair, it's an impossible task to be 100% 'fair' to everybody 100% of the time so we just try to do our best under the circumstances, and of course moderators have no monopoly on being right all of the time.


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