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Nov 7, 2005
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lmaaoooooooo I can just imagine my sticker in the back, now you are giving me ideas but I think it might cause friction between Her Ladyship and myself heheheh!
Alright, put Her Ladyship's name in the back window - we'll understand...
Jan 2, 2006
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Back in those heady days of the seventies I had the misfortune to have a VW Beetle and back then all other Beetle drivers used to wave to each other.Perhaps we could go onto the other seventies must have thing the CB radio then we could 'eyeball' each other as we pass,they were good though for getting directions from locals.
Mar 14, 2005
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hi folks

thanks for the all the interesting replies,i`m heading up towards lockerbie this week & just out of curiousity i`m going to wave at every caravan i pass and see what response i get (naturally this will be done in a completely safe way)

it would be nice to think that we were all big happy family,who knows it may even brighten up a long boring drive for someone

take care :)

ps.i was going to do it when i went to dorset but i remembered i`m driving through the night lol
Jun 29, 2004
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Are we missing out on a commercial oppertunity here? This could Pay for next years rally!!!

What about a plastic Waving Hand fitted to the off side roof rail and designed to automaticaly wave at light coloured slow moveing objects.I recon that we could realy clean up.


Norfolk Mike
Mar 14, 2005
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well folks,

i paid a visit to http://www.cressfield.co.uk/ this weekend of which is under new management and believe or not they have reduced their daily prices.

but i passed somewhere in the region of 15 caravans whilst travelling to the site,whenever possible i gave them a wave...but would you believe how many waved back? NONE

oh well...you cant hang a man trying to be friendly

but to add a bit more interest to this post..i cant help noticying how many caravanners have a drink problem..lol

whats virtually the first drink that gets poured when you reach your park or the first drink of the night..tea? coffee ? or anything with alcohol in?

i think we know what the replies will be hic hic :)


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