What is the best way to exchange sterling into euro's?

Mar 14, 2005
Been to France now for many years and we have always exchanged currency before leaving the UK, but, is that the best way to do it?

I have realised that certain high street travel companies who claim to be commision free give a very low rate of exchange and are not very quick in increasing this rate when the pound is strengthening against the euro, (as it is now) - but are pretty quick in reducing it when the pound weakens.

Is it favourable to use ATM's or use banks when in France? I have realised that overall even when paying bank commision it can be more favourable that many high street agents.

Any thoughts or comments out there?
Dec 14, 2006
We use Nationwide Debit and Credit cards - the Nationwide charges no commission at all, and no transaction charge for withdrawals or purchases in the EU. We use both ATMs for small amounts of cash, and shop using our debit card just like at home. This holiday we didn't use the credit card at all. When the exchange rate in Britain was 1.08 we were actually getting 1.14 in Agde.

Nowadays you don't need huge amounts of Euros - you can use your card just as you can at home!
Mar 14, 2005
Follow Val's advice and get Nationwide credit and debit cards. The Nationwide debit card can be used anywhere in Europe to withdraw Euros at an ATM and the account is debited at that day's interbank rate. No commision, and no 'tourist' rate! I haven't bought Euros in the UK for years and always return home with a sufficient quantity to see me through the first few days of the next trip abroad.
Apr 30, 2008
Ditto to all the above. We travel to France via Portsmouth and have also found that, if you need to get cash to tide you over the first couple of days, the Brittany Ferries office at the port gives a good exchange rate too, usually better than the other bureaux de Change there.


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