With fancy water connectors for a variety of plumbing and garden hose application why do we still have silly push on pipes that fall off and pipes that just dangle in waste water carriers.
You would think that some numpty building a van would catch on that water heater switch and pressure switch to jiggle about under a seat/bed is a no brain position.
Who came up with the smart idea of in board water tank that relies on you to switch over to the outside tank. Surely an automatic float switch that pumps in from a reserve tank and an indicator to let you know its time to fill up the reserve is a simple thing to do.
Why no automatic polarity switch over in every van!
Also how about battery running low warning and cut off rather than flat battery if someone leaves the lights on when you are not hooked up to electric.
You would think that some numpty building a van would catch on that water heater switch and pressure switch to jiggle about under a seat/bed is a no brain position.
Who came up with the smart idea of in board water tank that relies on you to switch over to the outside tank. Surely an automatic float switch that pumps in from a reserve tank and an indicator to let you know its time to fill up the reserve is a simple thing to do.
Why no automatic polarity switch over in every van!
Also how about battery running low warning and cut off rather than flat battery if someone leaves the lights on when you are not hooked up to electric.