If you have been using this forum for some time then you will have noticed that occassionally Alex and some other members of PC staff do use the forum for feedback and also invite suggestions. The magazine has changed since Alex has been at the helm and, in my opinion, for the better. In addition, you will also find the email addresses of various members of staff in the magazine and I had been intending to email Alex directly to suggest an article that I would like to see. However, as this topic is live I will also place it here.
We are planning to take early retirement in just under 2 years time when I am 55. We will be moving to a cheaper area (I did place a request for suggestions of areas with good caravanning around it on this forum but sadly had no responses) so that we can invest some money to supplement our pension. Our plan will be to spend several months a year in Europe, most likely south of France, Spain and Portugal. I was made envious at the PC rally in Devon when I overheard a conversation that went something along the lines of 'we are going to leave this site on Friday, drive to Dover and then down to Portugal where we will stay until about March when we will return to the UK'. I am sure that there are a number of people who are either doing this (the ones with the knowledge) or ones who are planning this (and for my part I would like some knowledge). Therefore, the article that I would like to see would include:
Availability of sites
Quality of sites including facilities
Do you get bored
so that we can make our minds up as to the feasibility of such a plan.
To return to the drainers - I missed this and I am a subscriber! I possibly saw the page and just turned over. There will always be articles that are of no interest to one person but of interest to another - looking foward to a comparison of washing up cloths - and hey, occassionally there will be a dud.
As for magazines and advertisers. If there are no advertisers then there is no magazine - they are an important source of revenue. I can remember complaining some years ago to the then editor of a classic car magazine about the constant articles on MGBs (not my favourite, if they were then I would have been dlighted with the magazine). His reply was that they bring in the advertisers. I can therefore only assume that there will be lines that PC will not cross for fear of damaging its advertising revenue and hence the viability of the magazine.
I believe that a major turning point for us, the caravanners, was the change of this forum from a moderated one to an open one. Contributors need to be responsible in what they place here, i.e. that criticisms (both positive and negative) are justified. Cetainly, negative comments about a dealer (of which I have had experience and could concur with) did appear and stay on the forum. In addition, there have been comments regarding manufacturers and problems with vans. This forum is possibly more powerful than the magazine as it does enable debate, including the ability to say 'well, my experience of that dealer was good', and also to question contributors to this forum. In brief, we cannot expect PC to be the 'Which' of the caravanning World.
Finally, I do believe it is a good idea to have users reviewing vans but it is of no value if the reviewers do not use all the facilities of a van. To that end, I believe that it would be beneficial for ownes of a previous version of a van to review the latest version of that model as they are more able to comment on the 'improvements' made.