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Mar 14, 2005
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I quite agree with you Chloe, when an emergency occurs you have to react to the situation as you think right. The problem arises when people plan to be away from the site as soon as the gate is unlocked. OK you had an emergency but would you normally be looking to leave at that time?

With regard to Claire's elderly neighbours giving her dirty looks, I would have done the same if I was not aware of her situation. In the circumstances I think it was your responsibility to apologise to your neighbour and and explain that you had a problem. Why should your neighbours assume that because you were walking around the site during the night talking loudly on the mobile phone you had a major problem.

We have all encountered noisy people that don't give a toss for others, so that when Claire acts as she did the neighbours think that she falls into that category.
Nov 3, 2006
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How dare you Clive. It,s arrogance like yours that the problem. Do you honestly think that after the night I had, where my daughter could easily have been killed, that I felt like running around explaining to the bloody neighbours why I was bawling my eyes out all night! I made the effort to apologise to the site management as soon as they opened the reception doors, I wasn,t totally ignorant. Oh stuff it.
Feb 21, 2005
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Clive, firstly, I think that your comments are a tad unfair.

You said, "The problem arises when people plan to be away from the site as soon as the gate is unlocked". Personally I cannot see a problem with that, that's why the gate is unlocked, to let people come and go!

Secondly, is it customary to condem people without knowing the why's and wherefore's? Is that what happens when a suspected criminal is caught? automatically guilty of an alledged offence until proven innocent, or does the suspect have the right to be proven innocent? he/she is not guilty of anyhting until proved.

Thirdly, frankly at 01.20am I don't think that the onus is upon Clair to knock on every door or every caravan or mobile all over the site and ask if she has disturbed them explaining her personal family matters nor do I think the onus is upon Clair at any other time.

If someone has something to say then say it or at least have the guts to confront the person or people concerned instead of everyone giving filthy looks and comdeming and expecting a perfect stranger to discuss her personal affairs with the world and its oyster.

I think that the right mature approach would be to have approached the person/s concerned and said that you were woken at 01.20am this morning and I saw you wondering around the campsite, is everything ok? and then act accordingly instead of expecting someone to come knocking on every door saying, "excuse me but........." Generally, noise comes from many varied reasons and some not justifiable at all. But I believe that if I saw something out of character, and you cannot argue that this example was out of normal character, ie, it wasn't a full blown party, nor a gathering in sombodies awning or come what may, it was a female walking aroung a campsite at 01.20am on her own with a mobile to her ear! some difference to a party or a gathering or W.H.Y.

All I'm saying is before the filthy looks come into play, find the guts and courage or if I may on this ocassion and be excused have the balls to confront the person instead of delivering filthy looks and then perhaps one can have a little bit of sympathy if it is deemed necessary or is that to much to ask? Thank you.
Jul 2, 2006
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I think that you will find that Gavin was having a laugh, pretending he was in a fantasy world and his posting was only in jest! ATB Chloe
"You obviously need to know something about to-getherness.Jim "

Dear Jim, you obviously need to get a sense of humour!
Nov 3, 2006
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Thankyou Chloe. And I apologise my "oh stuff it" moment, that was rude of me.

Clive, you are entitled to your opinion, but I pray that I never find myself pitched next to you!

My heartfelt thoughts go to you Chloe.
Feb 21, 2005
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Hello Claire , Thank you for your comment. There is no need to apologise to me or anyone else for that matter, it was not considered rude at all. I tend to treat certain comments with the contempt that they deserve, sometimes it is not quite so easy to do. As to your comment,'.... but I pray that I never find my self pitched next to you!' I would have said, 'I pray that I never find myself on the same site as you!

I never wish ill on anybody but certain issues in life, especially concerns over the unfortunate horendous stress that you had to endure or a devastating loss as I had, it cannot ever be appreciated by anyone unless they themselves are put through the mill which I hope never occurs, but sadly in this real world nobody can stop this sort of heartache.

I'm sure you will agree that nobody would want to experience what we have had to endure, either way, Clive included. Since 1995 all the good day's were gone forever, ever since, well, some day's are better than others. I keep myself to myself and hardly ever say anything to anyone but the point made is for others to stop for a moment and take stock of a particular situation before jumping in with two feet and then a feeble apology from them aftewards, if at all.

ATB to you Claire.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Claire , Thank you for your comment. There is no need to apologise to me or anyone else for that matter, it was not considered rude at all. I tend to treat certain comments with the contempt that they deserve, sometimes it is not quite so easy to do. As to your comment,'.... but I pray that I never find my self pitched next to you!' I would have said, 'I pray that I never find myself on the same site as you!

I never wish ill on anybody but certain issues in life, especially concerns over the unfortunate horendous stress that you had to endure or a devastating loss as I had, it cannot ever be appreciated by anyone unless they themselves are put through the mill which I hope never occurs, but sadly in this real world nobody can stop this sort of heartache.

I'm sure you will agree that nobody would want to experience what we have had to endure, either way, Clive included. Since 1995 all the good day's were gone forever, ever since, well, some day's are better than others. I keep myself to myself and hardly ever say anything to anyone but the point made is for others to stop for a moment and take stock of a particular situation before jumping in with two feet and then a feeble apology from them aftewards, if at all.

ATB to you Claire.
claire,chloe,this guy was just packing up to go home,if he was in the position that you was[and i hope never to be in] then clearly i would have left the van and gone without it,then worry about going back another day or 2 later for it

hope this clarifies the situation
May 12, 2006
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claire,chloe,this guy was just packing up to go home,if he was in the position that you was[and i hope never to be in] then clearly i would have left the van and gone without it,then worry about going back another day or 2 later for it

hope this clarifies the situation
Hey Clive

I think most of the time we are on the same wave length,but this time I think Chole/Claire are right to say you "are tad unfair" It is called BALANCE which I think is where you are coming from???

Frank/Vals asleep
Mar 16, 2005
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We normally leave about 10.00am. We visited a Derbyshire site on Sunday at 12 noon and stayed 3 nights,some people were leaving in the dark about 5.00pm. I was not best pleased as the site was pretty full when we arrived and the choice of pitches was limited, following this late mass exodus the site was then virtually empty. Nice for the weekenders having an extended stay, but not so good if your a new arrival!!!!

Jim C
Maybe those going at 5.00 pm had done what we often do - booked Sunday night as well, so we could stay for the full day and be under no pressure to pack up early. If we're near home, we may not leave until after 7.00 pm.
Nov 5, 2006
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Hello Claire , Thank you for your comment. There is no need to apologise to me or anyone else for that matter, it was not considered rude at all. I tend to treat certain comments with the contempt that they deserve, sometimes it is not quite so easy to do. As to your comment,'.... but I pray that I never find my self pitched next to you!' I would have said, 'I pray that I never find myself on the same site as you!

I never wish ill on anybody but certain issues in life, especially concerns over the unfortunate horendous stress that you had to endure or a devastating loss as I had, it cannot ever be appreciated by anyone unless they themselves are put through the mill which I hope never occurs, but sadly in this real world nobody can stop this sort of heartache.

I'm sure you will agree that nobody would want to experience what we have had to endure, either way, Clive included. Since 1995 all the good day's were gone forever, ever since, well, some day's are better than others. I keep myself to myself and hardly ever say anything to anyone but the point made is for others to stop for a moment and take stock of a particular situation before jumping in with two feet and then a feeble apology from them aftewards, if at all.

ATB to you Claire.
We normally holiday sunday to sunday so on leaving a site we like to try to get away about 8.30am but I do feel guilty if we are on hardstanding, hard to not make a noise.

We like to get back to Norwich to see granchildren before school next day (soppy grandparents).

Reading the stories would assume something wrong if person about during night too many people pre judge.
Nov 9, 2006
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I don't leave until the wife has bathed the kids, got them dressed, walked the dog, made us all a cooked breakfast, done the dishes, cleaned the van, emptied the loo and packed the awning. Theres no point in rushing, is there?

well played gavin
Mar 21, 2005
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Hey Clive

I think most of the time we are on the same wave length,but this time I think Chole/Claire are right to say you "are tad unfair" It is called BALANCE which I think is where you are coming from???

Frank/Vals asleep
Who's Clive ?


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