*** WHAT TV ***

Oct 3, 2005
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I know this sounds silly but i have been caravanning since 1989 and never took a TV with me,but now that i am on my own i am thinking of getting one,Now the question is, Can i use a normal home colour. one,many thanks
Aug 1, 2007
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Eddie good that you want to carry on caravanning on your own

Treat yourself if possible to a LCD mains /12 volt they are smaller and lighter to have around in caravan

But make sure that by taking a TV you don't get trapped in watching it all day

Do you go walking or ride a bike or have hobbies that you can do whilst in caravan or even join an interest group

May 29, 2007
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Or if your on a site that we are on come over to ours for the evening and keep us company. You can't miss us we are the ones with the huge Doggies. Regards Diane.

P.S. Not joking if you are on the same site come over and introduce yourself and have a cuppa
Oct 3, 2005
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Well thx for the info i may try my homre TV first to see how things go,as for that cuppa that would be nice but its a big world of camping out there,i took my van to brightlingsea for a week and had proberly my worst time ever as no one spoke,And its so sad that people are like that,I have three weeks off this August and am contemplating ten days in Kings Lynn but of course very apprehensive after my last trip,i tend not to take my bike because due to the spoiler on my car,i cant fit a cycle carrier,walking yea i do but not long distance these days,mmm may have to grab a granny now theres a thought..
Aug 1, 2007
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Good to see you have a sense of humour Eddie

will your bike not go in the caravan

We do a lot of walking and people on site always ask where you going or where you been As we try if possible to pick sites where there are walks from site

Do you belong to the CC or C&CC club as there weekend meets or even there holiday meets can be fun and a way to get to know


We always spend a lot of time sat outside van and normally speak to all that pass by

Jul 3, 2006
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Hi Eddie

I would second the CC & CCC meets as a great way to meet friendly sociable people. Plus if you make friends you can have some sort of continuity as you know where and when to find them again if you want to

We always chat to everyone who we meet and say good day and smile so there are friendly caravanners out there

Hope your next trip is more successful

Oct 3, 2005
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Yea i have found the touring and tenting site also the loners club site thx all,now all i want is that Granny,see you for tea and toast then,


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