We've only had 2 vans, around 2005 I think it was we bought a 1994 Swift Dannette Diamond, we didn't keep it long, about a year I think, I decided I didn't like it and wanted to go back to camping, oh dear, not only did that not go down well with my wife but then when we went out and bought a massive tent, all the equipment I then decided actually the caravan wasn't so bad, you can imagine how my wife took that!!! Anyway after a couple of years away from the seen completely we decided to give it another go, we hired a couple of vans for short breaks away, (these were vile!!! I don't think they'd ever been cleaned) we went out last year and bought our 2004 Avondale Argente 650-6, we love this van, bigger than what we really need but hey who cares, it's big enough very comfy, tows well and we love it