What's happening today?

May 25, 2005
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Is it only me, or are there others out that that are having trouble yet again with Forum? I am constantly being told "I am not authorised to open this page" when selecting a subject. It doesn't seem to matter what topic I am trying to read. It is very infuriating having to hit the refresh button all the time.
Mar 14, 2005
Visit site
You'll probably find that it's the PC technicians correcting a fault within the site, that causes the interruption.

When I say "Fault", what I mean is that they are probably changing the light bulb that keeps the mouse warm, that races on the treadmill, that winds the battery charger, that charges the battery, that runs the alarm, that keeps the monkey awake, that retypes all the messages that you and I put on the site day and night.

As you can see, there's a lot to go wrong.....


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