Whats happening

Aug 29, 2006
Has anyone seen the news today??

Someone from my home town(Wgan) was suspended from their job at an airport for hanging up a picture of Jesus in the staff room , he was marched out of the airport. He was reinstated after being suspended for 4 days. All because a muslim worker complained.

The news didn't show the muslim that made the complained But I can guess that if it was male he would have a beard,scull cap or dress as the religion requires, in which case I would counter claim that this was unacceptable and it was against my religion. I would then be accused of being racist. No win situation.

Whatever we,the british citizens do we cant win. We let the foreigners into the country then bend over backwards to help them out. Only for then to cry whenever they don't like something then we get repremanded.

We should take a lesson from the French or even the Aussies, they tell them how its going to be and if they don't like it unlucky.

After all this I am not racist I have black,and muslim friends and find that they agree withme on this subject.

What does anyone else think?



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