Wheel Clamps & Towbars

Mar 14, 2005
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We are taking del of a new Bailey Ranger in January 2005, and this is all new to us.

1. Can someone recommend a wheelclamp which is secure, easy to use and also Thatcham (or similar)approved as I believe this can reduce insurance premium. Had considered Bulldog QD44 however was warned off it.

2. Can someone advise me what sort of price I should pay for a detachable towbar to be fitted with twin socket (to an Audi A4). And also anyone they recommend who is located near to Warrington or Stockport.

Many thanks

Andy C
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Andy - we use a Bulldog clamp on our new 'van, it's about as strong (& heavy!) as they get, we've also had the van marked by Thiefbeaters, who are Thatcham approved, which renders the van worthless to any tea-leaf. Always use an independent towbar fitter, they're usually 40-50% cheaper than the franchised car dealer for often the identical product & will fit at your home/office, your Yellow Pages should have some listed, phone round for a quote.


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