When i were a lad!

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Aug 17, 2019
When we were kids our local sweet was the pontefract cakes they were made in the town where we live you alway knew when the factory was boiling a new batch up cos the whole town smelt of liqourice my son works for haibo wgo make them now but there not the same also we used to chew on liqourice sticks a piece of wood that you just chewed
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Jul 18, 2017
Aniseed balls were also a favourite. The real trick was to see whose sixpence could buy the most sweets. Sherbet sold by the ounce in small paper bags.
I can remember when you could still buy a sweetie with a farthing. In those days farthings and half pennies were worth something as for a penny you got 4 sweets or a farthing each.
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Mar 17, 2007
I remember being sent home from school in 1969 to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. School didn’t have a TV. No “permission slips” or forewarning. My mum was surprised to see us.
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Sep 29, 2016
I remember being sent home from school in 1969 to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. School didn’t have a TV. No “permission slips” or forewarning. My mum was surprised to see us.

Mods,please delete the above post and bar the poster, obvious trolling.

Mel is not a LAD.
Nov 11, 2009
Mods,please delete the above post and bar the poster, obvious trolling.

Mel is not a LAD.
These days you can declare yourself to be whatever gender you choose. And there are lots to choose from. Melvyn has clearly made a decision. That’s it for me otherwise I will be trolled.
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Nov 6, 2005
When I were a lad, there were Tomboys wanting to play with us - usually more aggressive than the lads - no idea what they're called these days.
Oct 21, 2020
What about liquorice torpedo sweets?
Our best thing to do was frequent the local, derelict brickworks and play Sniper. This involved me and my 2 mates, each with an air rifle 😳.
Split up, and shoot each other without being shot. No head shots allowed. Try doing that now.
As we live near the river Dee, each summer we would all get a truck inner tube, go to the horseshoe falls and float down stream, madness when you consider how furious the river gets.



Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
When I were a lad…..

  • The world was in black and white
  • So was the TV and it had no remote control as there was only one station.
  • The wireless wasn’t
  • Free school milk in 1/3rd pint bottles.
  • Free insipid Orange Juice still available at selected motorway service stations
  • A spoonful of malt
  • The ‘Nit Lady’
  • Walking to school in all weathers
  • Long hot summer holidays.
  • Long cold real winters where I seem to recall the ink wells froze over
  • An outside toilet
  • A tin bath that hung on the garden wall.
  • Occasionally a trip to the public baths
  • Joining the Cubs and going to Camp where you could play with your Woggle when no one was looking.
  • Joining St. John’s Ambulance Brigade because I thought the beret made me look good. Instead I looked a dork since my long trousers started under my armpits
  • I hated cross country running. In fact anything that required forced physical exercise
  • School taught us the three R’s instead of LGBTQI.
  • Failed the 11 plus without even knowing what it was about.
  • Starting at the Secondary Mod and getting picked on by my mates ‘cos I was in the top stream - just.
  • Discovering hairs in strange places – and I don’t mean the bath plug hole
  • Discovering that some in my year were developing strange lumps – and I don’t mean the custard in Domestic Science
  • Blue jeans with big turn ups.
  • Burtons suit with no turn up.
  • Rolled Umbrella to go with above because I thought I looked like John Steed in the Avengers. Affect not carried out by lack of Honor Blackman in Leather not by my side.
  • Careers advice – For Him – Army , Navy, Air Force, Fords. For Her – Army, Navy, Air Force, Nurse/Secretary
  • I could go on but I wont.
May 7, 2012
When we were kids our local sweet was the pontefract cakes they were made in the town where we live you alway knew when the factory was boiling a new batch up cos the whole town smelt of liqourice my son works for haibo wgo make them now but there not the same also we used to chew on liqourice sticks a piece of wood that you just chewed
Thank my wife's family for the Pontefract Cakes. She is descended from the Wilkinsons who mechanised the manufacturing and made them affordable.
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Nov 16, 2015
Being in the Boy scouts, and able to have a sheath Knife.

Allowed to join the Sea Scouts, with only a river 10 miles away.

Having a Junior Smoking Kit, on the way from London to Aberdeen, on the Bluebird Coach.
Apr 20, 2009
When I were a lad:
I remember my first day at primary school, with a penny in my pocket to spend in the sweet shop across the main road from school at the end of the day.
School bell rang, I'm now so excited I'm going to spend my penny in the sweet shop. ran out the school gates, ran down the lane, ran across the main road.........................
And got run over by a push bike..................
Ended up in hospital, never did get my sweets!!
May 24, 2014
First movie.........my father took me to see Zulu.

First trip to Old Trafford, saw the legendary Charlton Best and Law. Became my weekly ritual for the next forty years.

First broken bone, femur, fell out of a tree. Realised that I am not Superman.

First noticed girls..........realised they cant play football. As i got older, i added first driving then reversing a caravan to that list. List is still growing.

Started at Catholic Primary School run by nuns. Realised very quickly that nuns are not very nice. Moved to Catholic grammar school. Added priests to the list. Also realised most teachers are also children. An opinion I still hold to this day.

Introduced to Eccles Cakes, still very much a favourite. Also chip shop steak puddings, home made pancakes, with lemon, and ice cream soda.

Just loved the old Victorian Baths, todays leisure centre pools are faceless.
Oct 3, 2013
Looking back fondly, mostly, to when I were a lad, I got to thinking about things that have changed. I dont mean the huge advances in medicine, electronics, cars and stuff, but the little things in life.

I have to say that I think todays beer is far better, and what a choice. But when you have had your beer and are staggering off to the chippy......... well thats a big change. Fish and Chips from the newspaper, and you could smell the vinegar half a mile away. Nowadays, put vinegar on em and you cant even taste it, watered down maybe.

Take the kids to the sweetshop. When I were a lad, there was a vast array of delights in those rows of jars, todays offering is either all chocolate or Haribo (yuk!) Whatever happened to Coltsfoot Rock, and Chewing Wood, Tins of Imps and Sherbet Dabs.

Who can remember Kunzle Cakes which became Lyons Showboats. When I were a lad, my grandmother used to buy a box daily........from the Co-op so she got her dividend.

Going to Clobber for some clothes to go on the pull in, and then Burtons for a suit when a marriage was required. When I were a lad, her dad was bigger than me ;)

When I were a lad, I didnt have todays slippers to play football in. I could unscrew the studs in my football boots and use them as hiking boots. And I kid you not, the first pair of shoes i had to go to school in were clogs, proper Lancashire sparking clogs, which my parents vehemently deny. The photos dont lie.

When I were a lad we went to Butlins and i was forced into a fancy dress competition in a Robin Hood suit made by my mother. It was made of green crepe paper, and on the journey from our hut to the hall, the heavens opened. My crepe paper suit melted and turned me and my grundies a wierd shade of green. My grundies and a pair of Clarkes sandals were all that remained, even my bow went soggy and limp. But when I were a lad, nobody had heard of the man from Atlantis, or the Hulk, so I lost and scarpered back to the hut with the sound of the audience wetting themselves in my ears.

When I were a lad, my mother couldnt afford much in clothes, so she knitted most of it. Unfortunately, she never heard of Cashmere and used something rather akin to barbed wire. Took a while to figure where the rash kept coming from.

When I were lad, my mother used to lather me in Vic Rub at night. To this day I cannot stand the smell of it. Mind you, I cant stand the smell of Cabbage, Caulie or Sprouts either. These devil foods used to appear at every meal and I wasnt allowed to leave the table until I had eaten it. And coming from a family that thought tripe was a delicacy, no wonder my taste buds are ruined.

Your turn!
I suppose you had a few pints,bought a fish supper and went to the pictures and had change out of a florin !


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