When travelling abroad why are all the 'free' facilities for ...

Mar 25, 2008
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We are planning an extensive trip around Europe in a couple of months and I have been more than annoyed at times by the seeming lack of facilities and 'Aires' for caravans.

Why do motorhomes get such a better deal?

There seems to be discrimination against caravans, where as motorhomes are readily acceptable, is this because of the other travelling community?

Can anyone help with advice on decent stopovers and facilities whilst travelling in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Dec 14, 2006
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I think villages and towns provide 'free' facilities for motorhomes because once parked up a motorhomer is much more likely to stay parked, and then walk to use the local shops, bakery, restaurant, etc., but the a caravanner, once the car is unhitched, nips straight off to the large hypermarket to stock up rather than using the local village facilities.

With one exception, in a village in Burgundy, I've never seen signs inviting caravanners to stay overnight. That village offered free stays of 24 hours, including water, picnic tables and benches, and rubbish bins, on what might be 'the village green'. The alternative is to use municipal sites, which are usually cheap enough (but not free, sadly), or to get an ACSI card where a night on site, including electricity, can cost only 10 euros on some sites and Camping Cheques or Touring Cheques, at
Feb 7, 2007
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We were going to Honfleur in our caravan once to meet some friends in their motorhome. I got in touch with the tourist information there and they said that we could stay on the free carpark with our friends. The only problem was that there were no facilities laid on at that time because it was winter. I'm sure that, if you were to approach the local tourist office or 'Mairie' they would be very accommodating
Dec 14, 2006
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I think it must have been Buxy (north of Cluny, south-west of Chalon-sur-Saone) - or somewhere on the local road from Chalon to Dompierre les Ormes, where we were heading. We've a photo somewhere because we stopped for a picnic there - and were very impressed by the signs inviting you to stop for 24 hours! Even more so when an old lady came out and gave us some cherries from her garden! I'll have a look for the photo.
Nov 19, 2006
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Julie, We arrived in Honfleur at around 16.00 last May and pulled in to where there were lots of m/homes parked up. We ignored the sign that said no caravans, and about an hour later some official came and moved us on even though we had paid via the ticket machine.

Another reason why there are no facilities for caravans is due to the travellers who set up camp wherever they like, with their Sprinters, dogs, and children running riot.
Mar 25, 2008
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I does seem a litle unfair really. It is tarring all us responsible caravanners with the same brush as that not so responsible community.

I find that quite offensive really.

Does it bother anyone else?
Feb 11, 2007
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As a ex motorhomer of 15 years and now for reasons had to change to caravan.We found out on our first trip back to France what a palaver it is with a caravan. You have to book up or take a chance for sites where as we use to travel as far as we wanted to and if no site available no problem just pull into the nearest Aires or suitable for our needs anywhere else, the Hymer was self contained. Remember once in a small town in France quite late in the day we pulled into a police carpark knocked on his door asked if ok to stay the night, replied yes and in the morning we woke up to find 3 other units parked, the little bakers up the road got quite a trade.Yes we really do miss it and in the two years we have had the caravan we have done France Holland Germany Belgium and few uk spots.


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