Where’s the Summer gone?

Jun 20, 2005
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At the risk of starting Beachball’s legendary weather reports, why are we having so much rain? The summer has hardly started,. I confess we had the heating on whilst away for a few evenings last week.
Back home it’s not warm , very wet, and slippery under foot🙀
May be September in the Highlands will be better👍👍
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Apr 20, 2009
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At the risk of starting Beachball’s legendary weather reports, why are we having so much rain? The summer has hardly started,. I confess we had the heating on whilst away for a few evenings last week.
Back home it’s not warm , very wet, and slippery under foot🙀
May be September in the Highlands will be better👍👍
Wait till I go away on the 19th of this month...................monsoon season will begin ⛈️⛈️⛈️
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May 5, 2024
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At the risk of starting Beachball’s legendary weather reports, why are we having so much rain? The summer has hardly started,. I confess we had the heating on whilst away for a few evenings last week.
Back home it’s not warm , very wet, and slippery under foot🙀
May be September in the Highlands will be better👍👍

Here in TS12 at the moment we have heavy showers accompanied by thunder.

Neither of which were forecast. It's been raining on and off all day, very cool, reminiscent of a day in February not July.

This time last week we were basking in 33 degrees in Andalusia so we are really noticing the difference.
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Jun 16, 2020
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Tuscany was beautiful a couple of weeks ago. But this is depressing. I feel very sorry for those camping with kids in a tent.

Nov 30, 2022
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To my mind the seasons seem to have moved on a couple of months, I.e. what we are getting now we would have expected in May a few years ago, so hopefully September and October will be nice. Fingers crossed.
Of course climate change is just a conspiracy theory and isnt happening is it?? :rolleyes: The increase in hurricanes in the Caribean and the searing temperatures in Greece/Spain etc are just a normal aren't they!,
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Jul 18, 2017
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Our daughter's in laws arrived from Durban last week and in Durban it is mid winter. The day they left it was about 25C, but it was quite cold at night with temperature dipping down to about 12C.
Nov 11, 2009
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To my mind the seasons seem to have moved on a couple of months, I.e. what we are getting now we would have expected in May a few years ago, so hopefully September and October will be nice. Fingers crossed.
Of course climate change is just a conspiracy theory and isnt happening is it?? :rolleyes: The increase in hurricanes in the Caribean and the searing temperatures in Greece/Spain etc are just a normal aren't they!,
Our granddaughter arrives back tomorrow from 12 days in Turkey. It’s been mid to high 30s, so next year she plans to go in May/June as she has no exams restricting her.


Mar 17, 2007
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According to Mr Schafernaker on the Beeb yesterday, the jet stream is to the south of Britain. Hence wet and cool. He reckons that it will not be to the north of Britain until the end of July, at which point it will drag in warmer air from the continent.
We will find out if he is right

Nov 11, 2009
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To my mind the seasons seem to have moved on a couple of months, I.e. what we are getting now we would have expected in May a few years ago, so hopefully September and October will be nice. Fingers crossed.
Of course climate change is just a conspiracy theory and isnt happening is it?? :rolleyes: The increase in hurricanes in the Caribean and the searing temperatures in Greece/Spain etc are just a normal aren't they!,
I’ve still got my Readers Digest gardening manual given to me on my 21st birthday. It shows the temperature isoclines across the whole country, so that you have an idea when the last frost may occur. I reckon there’s at least a 3-4 week change, although some recent winters there’s hardly been any hard frosts in our area. Snow being a distinct rarity. So now I just do the gardening by what I feel is right.
Jul 18, 2017
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According to Mr Schafernaker on the Beeb yesterday, the jet stream is to the south of Britain. Hence wet and cool. He reckons that it will not be to the north of Britain until the end of July, at which point it will drag in warmer air from the continent.
We will find out if he is right

Has the weather forecast ever been right? LOL! I seem to remember some guy called Fish getting it horribly wrong. Remember the July floods back in 2007 as no warning of those.
Jan 3, 2012
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We had another break booked next month to Staffordshire but that cancelled now and put back until future notice due to my hospital visit yesterday (leg ulcers) and receiving treatment . but we have had a lot of rain in the last 4 days .
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