Where is everyone off to this Easter

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Dec 16, 2003
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Tram, just take them to the dairy for some Wallace and Grommit Cheese and they'll be well happy.

Seems like I'm entertaining your campers now Liz. Just as well you easter song choice wasn't The Streak ;-)
May 21, 2008
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Left this weekend to all those with fixed hols.

Being between jobs at the mo, I'm taking a few days away next weekend when we can pick our pitch and not have to stand in que's of traffic

Never seen so many caravans trying to squeeze through Leominster as we did yesterday. There was a good mile of traffic backed up each way at the by pass island and that's a mile or so from the traffic lghts in the town.

I'll go next weekend and take a metal detector to find all those pound coins dropped this week. Usually get an extra night free.

Then I'll start my new job as a self employed sub contractor. I've only been employed (on the PAYE) for 9 years, the other 23 years I've been my own boss and had to be self motivated which I realy enjoy. While in my last job I found myself doing three other people's roles just to get the job done properly, as I couldn't force myself to be a lazy sod like the rest.

At least being in my new job I'll be paid by results and the sooner they are achieved the greater the pay packet. (profit).

To all those who have been forced to endure the bank holiday traffic my sympathy goes out to you all. NOt a nice journey but many folk have no choice.

Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Cris, Caravanners loved your picture and song, anymore please was the request. Normally it's a nice peaceful site here, but this morning I had a shop full word soon got around.

Regards Liz
Apr 9, 2006
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Decided many years ago not to travel on Bank Holidays.

We've just been caravanning in Norfolk and made sure we got back home before the Easter rush began.

Heard on the radio about all the traffic jams everywhere and that 18 million vehicles were expected on the roads. If the weather is good, this will be swelled further by day trippers.

Like some other forum members, we have been pottering in the gardening and just relaxing in the sunshine. Dug out the BBQ and had the first one of the year yesterday, with a nice bottle of wine.

We're off to Suffolk in 3 weeks time, so something to look forward to.
Mar 14, 2005
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Early retirement has done our world of caravanning a power of good. Whilst the masses are away for the school holidays paying top whack for the pitch my wife and I are relaxing at home and getting ready for our break when the children go back to school. Isn't retirement wonderful?


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