Where is the justice in this!

Oct 2, 2005
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There was a documentary on tv the other night about the fattest man in Britain who didn't work, and was unable to because of his weight. The government and local council are no doubt giving him several benefits (sorry, I meant BEER money to spend at the pub every night quite often spending £40 a night on beer!) I presume his girlfriend also receives some benefits as she tends to all his needs! All paid by us, the TAXPAYER! Yet the same night on the news it showed a man who was unable to get any carers allowance to help look after his invalid wife because he WORKED earning only £600 a month (which apparently is over the limit to recieve any benefit)yet he is paying tax to help pay for layabouts who DON'T want to work. When are the government going to get their act together and link benefits to contributions? Still on my soapbox about the government. . . . . How come all these asylum seakers travel through several european countries without claiming political asylum until they arrive in Britain? They are obviously quite aware of the stupid benefits system that we have as opposed to the rest of europe!
Mar 14, 2005
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Chris - the Government are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. It is these lazy morons who receive all the benefits that vote Labour. If they stopped the benefits then they would lose countless thousands of votes.


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