Which do you prefer?


Mar 14, 2005
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Do people prefer summer or winter?

I'll go first, I prefer winter although I do wish the nights wouldn't draw in so quickly. I particularly like frosty weather and I love snow and the chaos it brings.

May 25, 2005
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Hi Lisa

I like the frosty winter mornings when I have to take out the dog. She usually gets so clogged up with mud that she virtually needs a bath on return home.

If I am honest I prefer spring and autumn, both are splendid times of the year and you can see the land evolving.

Jan 19, 2008
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Spring is my favourite season, when you see the bright green bursting forth on the hawthorn. The dawn chorus and the new found warmth in the suns rays. Its the new beginning, everything is wakening up after their winters slumber. My worse day of the year is late October, the day the clocks go back, I dread it. My worse season, winter without a doubt for the very reason Lisa gives why she likes it, the chaos it brings. I cherish wildlife too much to wish them the rigours of what winter brings. I can't get much satisfaction of frosty and freezing weather which stops birds drinking or of snow causing 1000s of birds to starve. Yes, Spring is my favourite time and each year I realise I'm wishing my life away but at this time of the year I can't wait for Spring to come.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B -you opened your posting in a most elegant way - I thought for one minute I was reading an except from Wordsworth. Alas however you were side tracked and broke this elegant flow. Have you thought of entering the world of literature and trying your hand at poetry?
Jan 19, 2008
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Colin I served my apprenticeship writing on toilet walls. You might have seen some of them. I go under the pseudonym of Kilroy. :O) Next time you see one just think, Lord B sought relief on this toilet. ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hmm, the beauty of Winter, the luxury of Summer, the bountifulness of Autumn or the rebirth that is Spring, which to choose...I like them all, trouble is that I have to get out of the bed in the morning to enjoy them, that can't be natural can it?

I love my pit ;o)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B you have started something now - it appears that everybody is trying to encroach on your elequent phrasology. You must have been a leader among men sometime in your past.


Mar 14, 2005
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Spring is my favourite season, when you see the bright green bursting forth on the hawthorn. The dawn chorus and the new found warmth in the suns rays. Its the new beginning, everything is wakening up after their winters slumber. My worse day of the year is late October, the day the clocks go back, I dread it. My worse season, winter without a doubt for the very reason Lisa gives why she likes it, the chaos it brings. I cherish wildlife too much to wish them the rigours of what winter brings. I can't get much satisfaction of frosty and freezing weather which stops birds drinking or of snow causing 1000s of birds to starve. Yes, Spring is my favourite time and each year I realise I'm wishing my life away but at this time of the year I can't wait for Spring to come.
I didn't mean chaos to animals.

Jan 19, 2008
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Colin, I can assure you if I was leading men by the time I got there they had vanished because they knew there was trouble ahead lmaaooooo. The only claim I have for leading men was in the 89 Ambulance Dispute, we were out for 4 months and I was the Shop Steward. I have to admit I did enjoy taking part in radio/newspaper interviews though. My favourite memory was being ask to our local Colleges debating society. A local Tory councillor represented the governments views (he was a good Kenneth Clarke stand in). I have to admit though, although I hate blowing my own trumpet, I wiped the floor with him and the applause from the audience at the end was quite satisfying. I had to have 2 people to steady my head coming down off the stage because I became quite unbalanced. LMAAOOOOOOOO. To put the record right during that dispute, although we went without pay for 4 months the public donations made up for it. None of us lost one penny. We were working for nothing originally but management in their infinite wisdom stopped us using the ambulances saying we weren't insured but hoping it would turn public opinion against us. They failed miserably.
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Lisa I cannot stand winter, as it is cold and dull all the time.

It looks like I shod have dun so think like Worsworth.

I hope this will do for you.

I am Freezing!

Jack Prelutsky

I am freezing! I am freezing!

I am absolutely cold,

I am shivering and shaking

like a pudding in a mold.

There are glaciers in my stomach,

there is sleet inside my bones,

I am colder than the contents

of a million ice cream cones.

I am freezing! I am freezing!

From my bottom to my top,

all my teeth are clacking madly

and I cannot make them stop.

Oh I cannot feel my fingers,

and I cannot feel my toes,

now my cheeks are frozen solid,

and I think I've lost my nose.

I am freezing! I am freezing!

Inside out and outside in,

every bit of me is chilly,

every single inch of skin,

I have icicles inside me

and my lips are turning blue,

and I'm sneezing as I'm freezing,

for I've caught a cold . . .



(Of cores I did not do this I just cut & past)
Mar 28, 2005
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Everyone seems to have gone all poetic on this thread I won't attempt to emulate it so back to the question - I love the summer and must echo Lord B's comment about the day the clocks go back, I hate that day too.

At the risk of upsetting the "anti's" I love the school summer holidays when I can take my little girl away for a fortnight and have lots of long weekends in-between
Jan 19, 2008
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Everyone seems to have gone all poetic on this thread I won't attempt to emulate it so back to the question - I love the summer and must echo Lord B's comment about the day the clocks go back, I hate that day too.

At the risk of upsetting the "anti's" I love the school summer holidays when I can take my little girl away for a fortnight and have lots of long weekends in-between
.... and may you have many of them Roy.
Nov 2, 2005
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I like spring everything coming back again, including lighter nights and Autumn when all the leaves are changing colour.

Nothing like seeing different trees from yellow, bronze, reds and browns.
Jan 21, 2014
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I detest the winter, the lack of light being my problem. I find myself slipping into a depressive type mood about the end of October, about when the clocks go back, and I can't usually shake it off until about the end of Feb. Maybe I'm just SAD!!


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