Hello John
I used a bulldog stabiliser for many years, but eventually got fed up with it being another piece of equipment to be fitted/removed several times for each outing. After weighing up the Alko/Winterhoff options, I plumped for the Winterhoff, as this appeared, both to me and others I spoke to, to offer superior engineering at that time. It also very neat,compact, and there is a natty lightweight lock for it. This lock is worth considering, as it is capable of being fitted very quickly and easily whilst hooked up to the van, making it useful at motorway services. I don't use it on the move of course.
Athough I haven't checked this, I believe that the stabilser/lock combination offers is a significant weight saving over the blade, A frame shoe,car bracket,normal hitchlock set up.
With my T/A, the only dynamic difference seems to be less pitching, giving the rear seat passengers a better ride.