Feb 3, 2008
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I read an article today that 40 wind farms are on hold due to objections by the aviation authorities. Evidently the rotating blades upset radar systems for air traffic control. It thinks the blades are aircraft, and can also 'mask' actual aircraft. Bye-bye renewable energy?


There's rumour other two new one have been planned, one at the back door of 10 downing street, one in Westminster at the the back door of Parliament and House of Lords and numerous mini farms at the homes of MP's MAP's and local UK politicians.

How anyone thinks that hundreds of wind turbines that need servicing and maintaining count as rebnwable energy is beyond me.

They need boats to get to sea mounted versions and I've seen helicoptors used to survey them! It's a pipe dream, and not very well thought out.


There's rumour other two new one have been planned, one at the back door of 10 downing street, one in Westminster at the the back door of Parliament and House of Lords and numerous mini farms at the homes of MP's MAP's and local UK politicians.

How anyone thinks that hundreds of wind turbines that need servicing and maintaining count as rebnwable energy is beyond me.

They need boats to get to sea mounted versions and I've seen helicoptors used to survey them! It's a pipe dream, and not very well thought out.
MEP's :)
Mar 2, 2006
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I think wind farms are a blot on the landscape,in my opinion they are noisy,expensive to build and maintain,We now have the technology to build virtually smoke free coalfired powerstations,which would provide thousands of much needed jobs.

Feb 18, 2008
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Hi All

In reply to Allen, have you ever lived close to a coal fired power station ? I have and I can tell you that they are not only a blot on the landscape they are a blot in the sky as well.

A few years ago we lived on the west side of Ratcliffe on Soar power station near Nottingham, as the crow flies, about 3 miles away. On fairly still cloudless days, particularly during the winter the sun was regularly totally obscurred for three or four hours during the morning, not by smoke but by the steam rising from the cooling towers something that will still happen if the sation was 'smokeless'.

In comparison with this and the massive structure of the power station itself give me elegant wind turbines any day, they are nowhere near such a blot.

But for anyone, myself included of course, if we use electricty then we cannot be hypocrits and cry NIMBY !


John M
May 25, 2008
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You would need approx 3600 wind turbines for one Ratcliffe type power station.

ps it's low grade Heated Water Vapour not Steam from the Cooling Towers.
Feb 18, 2008
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Hi Gumbo

When I went to school heated water vapour was called steam. I know the water for Ratcliffe comes out of the River Trent but is it that low grade ?

John M
May 25, 2008
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Water Vapour in a cooling tower comes from the water, as you correctly say from the Trent. The water is used to cool steam in a condenser the Steam has done it's work, ie Chemical Energy to Heat Energy to Mechanical Enery to Electricity. The Water from the Trent does not come into direct contact with that Steam. With the condenser being under a vacuum, means the Steam has really cooled down so the transfer of heat to the Cooling Water is not very much, hence the term Low Grade Heat. 60/70 F. Now that is not Steam it's Water Vapour or we have found the Holy Grail
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

the trouble with power generation in this country is nobody wants it near them we have 5 power stations within close proximity to us and I can tell you looking at the cars paintwork and the green algae that grows every where ther is a dam site more comes out of them stacks than "water vapour" every time a package of local power generation is announced all the not in my back yarders are up in arms straight away.

no one wants wind farms on the hill or a new coal fired power station built ( not that we have the coal capacity with out imports)or nuclear power at any cost and they certainly dont want the valley flooding for hydro electric.

but somehow the lights must come on when the switch is flicked.

oh and we must not have any of them horible pylons either.
May 25, 2008
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What comes out of the stacks at say Cottham, Ratclffe, West Burton, Egg or Drax falls in Norway or Sweden. The exit velocity of the flue gas is about 60mph. So it's not falling in your backyard !!!!!!!!!
May 25, 2008
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Silly Billy Colin, what you get on your car comes from the stack of the Ferry you are on !!!!!!

I would love to see the response from N Power who I am sure you have wrote to, so you could register a complaint about these deposits ???

You dig it out, and I will make sure it's burnt in the most environmental way possible, using the best technology available. It's not the cleanest way to generate 2000MWs but we have no alternative, unless we put the lights out of course.
Jun 20, 2005
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Why can't we buy power from say France. They use nuclear power stations. That keeps us clean and of course someone can turn off the light at the end of the tunnel.


May 25, 2008
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This is one reason

LONDON (Reuters) - The power link Interconnector between Britain and France is back at full capacity after problems in the past two weeks, Britain's grid operator National Grid said on Monday.

National Grid said the 2,000 MW interconnector was fixed and was now available for power exports from France to Britain as well as from Britain to France at full capacity.

On Friday, it said power export capacity from Britain to France would be reduced by half until 2200 GMT on Tuesday as the net operators, including France's RTE, conducted investigations.

2000MWs is only one average UK coal fired station. I find our environmental attitude to nuclear power bewildering.
Jun 20, 2005
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Tha fact is most people are dead scared of nuclear plants. How many times has Sellafield changed its name. Dounray has a spooky scary sound to its name.

Notwithstanding all the input from our H&S experts accidents do happen.

Who wants to be living near a Chernobyl or Three Mile Island?

Maybe it's just a technology thing.


May 25, 2008
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Should one of these go Bang I don't think the Location matters it will affect is ALL. Oh no the Channel will stop it coming over. Nuclear is the only option if you believe Glabal Warming is man made.

In France, as of 2002,
Mar 13, 2007
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hi gumbo

I said a walked home not used a ferry,

BTW the deposits were tested by an industrial chemist and were found to contain sulpher dioxin watever that is of course power gen as it was then said it had nothing to do with the coal fired power stations but a local pollutant!! yer right, probably worried about the cost of resprays on all them 1000s of cars.

May 25, 2008
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I park my car in sweden every night after work and walk home across the north sea???

Even LB won't claim to be able to walk across the North Sea lol
Jan 19, 2008
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Well they say bull sh*t baffles brains me ol' tyke so I await Franks answer with anticipation.

Then again, if your muck goes to Sweden perhaps the same winds carry the muck from Essex and Suffolk or maybe those nasty Frogs across the Channel and drop it on your car (please notice Lutz, I never called it the English Channel) ... heh! heh! heh!
May 25, 2008
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Don't be silly Colin, I only start Power Stations up it's called Commissioning. What I do know is that if you feel you have a case, Goverment Officals will support you. Contact your Environmental Dept at the Town Hall they will help you. They are Independent and not in the Industries Pocket.

ps I do agree emmissions are far to high, but I await the Greens or even the Goverments Alternative. I suppose we could go to something like split the whole country into 7 Sections and you get Power one day a week. Or we could go back to the three day week. Oh no Scargill caused that trying to keep Miners in Work, to produce Even More Coal to burn at Drax and West Burton etc.

Maggie the Environment Champion yes yes yes
Mar 13, 2007
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hi gumbo or frank??

please don't take my post out of context as a comlaint about coal fired power stations it is not, I was merely commenting on the fact that some one said the only thing that comes out of the towers was low grade water vapour this my be true but other stuff much more toxic comes out of the stacks, the sulphur dioxin comes from somewhere doesn't it??.

we have to get power from somewhere at the momment it is from such power stations and the power is fed round the country by the national grid via pylons,

my complaint if you read what I wrote was about the country dwellers and the rural nimbies they expect and demand the lights stay on but try to block any form of local power generation of any kind or any form of power relays "ie pylons" as it would spoil there nice little spot on the planet. using any excuse to get them blocked. YES I would turn off their lights for one day a week as you suggest and tell them how they got power for their "no electric day was up to them" maybe then there would be less objections to alternative sources of local power.

as for maggie being a champion of the enviroment I agree!!! when she closed all the industry and mills upstream our local river recovered no end. from an open sewer into a nice clean river with fish in it I can go and catch on a sunday afternoon..

May 25, 2008
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Power stations have to be built near an abundant source of cooling water. Also they need to be built near to the "user" or the Transmission loss will be very high. It is only water vapour from Cooling Towers. Sulphur Capture has been put into place at most large Power stations. Particles are captured by the Electrostatic Precipitators. Power Station Emmissions are controlled by the relevent agencies ( Air Land and Water ) I am pleased to see we agree on Maggies contribution to the environment.


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