L LizziePope Nov 12, 2013 2,955 0 0 Mar 27, 2018 #1 It's just been revealed, so don't miss our review of the Wingamm Rookie L – please click here.
Craigyoung Oct 12, 2013 3,037 4 0 Mar 27, 2018 #2 I think that's quite cool but a bit pricey but cool ! B)
otherclive Nov 11, 2009 23,260 7,906 50,935 Mar 27, 2018 #3 A interesting design, quite cosy for four but okay for two. Like the group shell too. Once again a continental van is lightweight but with excellent payload. Why didn't Basecamp go that way?
A interesting design, quite cosy for four but okay for two. Like the group shell too. Once again a continental van is lightweight but with excellent payload. Why didn't Basecamp go that way?
Raywood May 7, 2012 8,596 1,818 30,935 Mar 27, 2018 #4 They seem to have got a quart in a pint pot but the price for what you get looks prohibitive.