Winter tips

Jun 3, 2007
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It is the first winter we have had our caravan and I would really appreciate any tips on how to prepare the caravan. It will be stored under cover in a caSSOA registered site but I need to know what are the best humidifier (non electrical) and anything else I need to purchase to be able to store away effectively.

Thanks very muchly

Aug 29, 2006
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Hello Jadie,

We just stand all the seat cushions up away from the walls to let air circulate,open the fridge and cupboards and thats it.

Some people put crystals or salt into tubs to extract the moisture but not being a sealed unit moisture is getting in there all the time.

Oct 9, 2006
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Hello Jadie,

We just stand all the seat cushions up away from the walls to let air circulate,open the fridge and cupboards and thats it.

Some people put crystals or salt into tubs to extract the moisture but not being a sealed unit moisture is getting in there all the time.

Hi Jadie,

Will's advice is good although i personally wouldn't use salt to extract moisture. Buy crystal moisture absorbers (cost about
May 13, 2006
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Hi Jadie,

Despite what Will says, put in two or three dehumidifiers with crystals. After six - eight weeks you will be surprised at how much water is in the containers and consider this - if it wasn't in the containers then that amount of water would have been dissipated elsewhere in your caravan and wouldn't do the van any good. I put three of the units in my van, one on top of the chest of drawers at the front, one in the kitchen area and one on top of the toilet with never a problem. Put newspaper under the units.

One tip - don't buy the "refill" packs of crystals. Large packs are available at any caravan accessory shop and it is cheaper to buy them this way but just make sure you keep the pack tightly sealed between times.

Rob S.