Woosie Round Table Question???

Mar 21, 2008
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Hi All,
I have seen many references to The Woosie Round Table on the forum, and I saw the Banner when we were in Field 3 at last years "Practical Caravan" Reader's Rally at Stowford Farm Meadows. Could you please enlighten me. What is it??? By the way, we have booked for the Reader's Rally again in May, booked in December, field 3.
Feb 3, 2008
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Sit back, relax with a beverage in your hand, and read the 1300 postings under Chit Chat / Woosie Club. That should give you a flavour of the Woosies
. Failing that, it started because some vanners did not use their 'on-board facilities' because they didn't want to empty the contents. It has expanded to include those who are Wooses for other wimpish reasons.


Nov 12, 2009
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When you saw the banner it's a shame that you didn't come over, you'd have met quite a few forum regulars and we might even have stretched to buying you a pint out of the Practical Caravan pub quiz winnings


Nov 12, 2009
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Have a great time, the PCv rally is always a high spot.
Unfortunately I have to be elsewhere this year but hopefully I'll be back for the next one.
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Bill

So tell us something Woosie you have done in your caravan. The more stupid and silly the better!

We Woosies will not be en masse at Stowford this year but we do have a big meet coming up in thee Peaks in October.
As Woodlands Camper WC says, see the Woosie section.
Feb 3, 2008
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May I suggest that if you take up Dustydog's suggestion of telling us something then you reply on the Woosie thread in Chit Chat, rather than continuing this thread in General.
May 12, 2011
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The Woosie club of course! It has the potential to become a forum within a forum that some members may feel excluded from. How do you register for this club or forum? What are it's rules?
OK a bit tongue in cheek I know but the point of a forum is that all members should feel they can pass comment on any topic raised, but this is a bit "cliquey" and has put me off the forum somewhat despite the fact I have been contributing for about 5 years. I don't know what newbies think about it.


Mar 17, 2007
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Really sorry you feel like that John. At the end of the day it is just a bit of nonsense, silliness and banter that anyone is welcome to join in with and, being fair, is confined to a single thread in the Chit chat section (aside from this recent one). Having met other contributors to this thread, I can only say that they are amongst the nicest people that it has been my priviledge to spend time with, who would not wish to exclude anyone who wanted to make light of themselves. Sincerely hope you change your mind.
Jun 20, 2005
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John Griffiths said:
The Woosie club of course! It has the potential to become a forum within a forum that some members may feel excluded from. How do you register for this club or forum? What are it's rules?
OK a bit tongue in cheek I know but the point of a forum is that all members should feel they can pass comment on any topic raised, but this is a bit "cliquey" and has put me off the forum somewhat despite the fact I have been contributing for about 5 years. I don't know what newbies think about it.

Hi John
May I suggest you have a read of the oldest posts and you will see the Woosies are NOT a clique.
More an ever growing number of like minded people from all walks of life who just love caravanning.
We try and meet at least once a year outside of the PCv Rally.
The only requirement for "membership" is owning up to doing something "Woosie"'

Come on John, tell us something stupid, maybe involving your onboard facilities that has happened to you??
May 12, 2011
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Thank you Mel and Dusty, much appreciated, but you would probably have to put me down as Sir Reluctant. I'm not against joining in, but just look at the posts for the Woosie club at present! Top two entries in Chit-Chat, plus this one in General. The main one in Chit-Chat has 131 pages!!! Probably more entries than the rest of the forum put together. Again a bit TIC but how long before we have a Woosie Technical post and a Woosie overseas post. I don't know what the answer is, I feel a real killjoy writing this, and probably I am alone in my opinion, but I'm trying to think of the long term interests of the forum.
P.S. When it comes to processing waste I'm a mini-woosie. I spent 20 years handling other peoples in a pathology lab, including putting 5 days worth of brown stuff in a food mixer. However, the day that the mixer split in line with the blades and showered the lab with a horizontal line at chest height, I was glad I was not the operator, in fact, I made my excuses and left rather quickly.
Apr 20, 2009
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John Griffiths said:
The Woosie club of course! It has the potential to become a forum within a forum that some members may feel excluded from. How do you register for this club or forum? What are it's rules?
OK a bit tongue in cheek I know but the point of a forum is that all members should feel they can pass comment on any topic raised, but this is a bit "cliquey" and has put me off the forum somewhat despite the fact I have been contributing for about 5 years. I don't know what newbies think about it.

Hi John like the others our intention is definatley not to upset any one quite the oppisite in fact, it is after all just a bit of banter.
On our last "Woosie" meet at Poston Mill I personally got talking to a couple of people passing by who asked what we were all about
which in turn allowed us to speak with others on site and talk about life in general
Ok some people want to go away and keep themselves to themselves and I respect that.
It has allowed us to meet a great bunch of fellow forumites of which caravanning for me was all about, meeting like minded folk.


Nov 12, 2009
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John Griffiths said:
Thank you Mel and Dusty, much appreciated, but you would probably have to put me down as Sir Reluctant. I'm not against joining in, but just look at the posts for the Woosie club at present! Top two entries in Chit-Chat, plus this one in General. The main one in Chit-Chat has 131 pages!!! Probably more entries than the rest of the forum put together. Again a bit TIC but how long before we have a Woosie Technical post and a Woosie overseas post. I don't know what the answer is, I feel a real killjoy writing this, and probably I am alone in my opinion, but I'm trying to think of the long term interests of the forum.....
Hi John
I appreciate your concern and I too think of the long term interests of this forum.
I think that you might be placing a wee bit too much emphasis on the 'club' aspect of the Woosies when in reality they are forum members who started off sharing a gentle kind of lavatorial humour without becoming crude or vulgar.
Before the banter started, at the time of the forum upgrade very few of the longer term members stayed with this forum because of initial technical teething troubles.
There were complaints to me via email from some long serving members (I still have the copies) about this forum being 'boring' and being 'for boring old men to endlessly discuss technical details'.
A few of the ones who stuck with us in spite of the technical hiccups started to exchange jokes and to poke a bit of fun at each other on the forum, and some newer members joined in until the Woosie topic evolved from the jokes.
Would you rather see this forum turn into a sterile technical only forum? I wouldn't!
The Chit Chat section would hardly be used were it not for the Woosie topic.

I have had the pleasure of meeting the Woosies and went on the weekend at Poston Mill, I'm also booked up for Rivendale in October but I'm not actually one of the Woosies as such.
I was very pleased to be invited to join in but I realised at the time that if I did that I'd be accused of bias or favouritism on the forum. Having met a few members of this forum over time all of them are the nicest one could wish to meet, both 'Woosie' and 'non Woosie' and I'm always happy to meet more, as I'm sure that the Woosies are too.

There's a New Members - Say Hello message board which is at top of the forum page John.
That particular message board sits at the top of the forum page because I asked for it to be placed there so that new forum members would post in it and receive replies from fellow memers welcoming them to this forum.

Several forum members (including Woosies) never fail to take the time and trouble to make new forum members feel welcome just by saying hello, they know who they are and so do I, and I'm very grateful to them all.
If the Woosies are such a clique why would it be that some of them always welcome new forum members?
I've no wish to embarrass or upset you John but as someone who is thinking of the long term interests of the forum can you hand on heart tell me that you welcome the new members by greeting them when they introduce themselves to us?
Just asking..........
Oct 30, 2009
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John Griffiths said:
Thank you Mel and Dusty, much appreciated, but you would probably have to put me down as Sir Reluctant. I'm not against joining in, but just look at the posts for the Woosie club at present! Top two entries in Chit-Chat, plus this one in General. The main one in Chit-Chat has 131 pages!!! Probably more entries than the rest of the forum put together. Again a bit TIC but how long before we have a Woosie Technical post and a Woosie overseas post. I don't know what the answer is, I feel a real killjoy writing this, and probably I am alone in my opinion, but I'm trying to think of the long term interests of the forum.
P.S. When it comes to processing waste I'm a mini-woosie. I spent 20 years handling other peoples in a pathology lab, including putting 5 days worth of brown stuff in a food mixer. However, the day that the mixer split in line with the blades and showered the lab with a horizontal line at chest height, I was glad I was not the operator, in fact, I made my excuses and left rather quickly.
hi John,
if I may just add a few words, of my own "not normal for me
" I think the choice of the word "cliquey" is a bit wide of the mark a club within a club is more appropriate, after all we are all members of the practical caravan forum club allready the woosies are an extension of this, membership is open to all forum participants that can demonstrate an ability to laugh at themselves, admit to not being perfect, partake in silly banter, and generally loon about, with caravan stories, of course the main thux of the woosies is the dread of emptying the portable loo
, it would be great if all forumites were members of the woosies. now that would be something.
but of course not all on the forum would want to join the woosies as they take their caravaning far too seriously, some just want technical advice when something goes wrong, others for recommendations on sites and equipment and thats fine, it a forum participate as much or a little as you want to.
no one should ever feel left out its a friendly forum and an even friendlier club, so come and join us.
how about it!!! "Sir Reluctant".
Aug 23, 2009
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I have to say as a mid time woosie, without them my life would of been very different! When my first wife died and my daughter (6 at the time) and I were faced with very dark times the woosies were there to jolly me along and keep me going with the van. When I remarried last year they were there again with the warmest support you could imagine and again this year as I struggle on with unidiagnosed but dabilitating illness, again the woosies are there offering personal support and good wishes all the way. If that's a clique then so be it but it's a clique I've been very glad of over time. Some could say being a member of any forum is clique enducing the same as an owners' club etc but `i've never come across such a valuable group of friends. Everyone that is a woosie also contributes as an individual to the forum perhaps sometimes a bit too light hearted in our approach for some but after all life is for living!
Apr 7, 2008
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SirRogerFFS said:
Need help cant post

If you are using Windows ? the compatibility mode should look like this below ......
If you pc has done some recent updates ? it might need re-setting??

Mine is in blue when in use but i am using W 7 IE9

But my main one that i use is Google Chrome


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