world cup

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Jun 20, 2005
Have you got something against South African culture after all English chant at their games?

No , not the SA culture , just that monotone buzzing vuvuzela.

Now singing for your country is more attractive and enjoyable!
Jun 20, 2005
Ever the optimist eh Lisa?

Give the boys a last chance and hope someone removes the lead from Roos boots and the kick up the ar$e wakes them up.

The Sun headline was brilliant.

" Never in the field of World Cup conflict has so little been offered by so few to so many"




Its not Only the Germans who have used this new ball, several European leagues have, and indeed teams from Chelsea to Real Madrid have also been using this ball,in practice.

The ball was also used in this years African nations cup too.

The problems seem to stem from how it reacts at altitude, ans wether the Pressure is accordingly corrected properly.

As for England and there abysmal performance last night, well any football haters out there, don't expect England home next Thursday.

Thats just mere wishful thinking...LOL
Mar 14, 2005
Michael E said "Before yesterday match Robert Green faced 4000 shots at goal in training and non were scored",

Were any of those shots on target???
Jan 19, 2008
Why on earth does Capello persist with Heskey? He shouldn't even be in the squad. He did sod all in the qualifying rounds or friendlies to justify his selection. To give him credit, at least he's consistent, total crap :O(

Rooney complains about the boo's but before he opens his mouth he should put his brain into gear. Those fans have spent thousands getting to support England and deserve at least a fighting spirit among the team. No matter how badly they play it will not cost them a penny, infact they will still get paid megathousands for a 90 minute stroll.

Personally I'm now hoping they get knocked out. Not just because of having to sit through more pathetic excuses of why they played badly and how they are going to hammer their next opponents but because I cannot face the humiliation of them being hammered by whoever they played next if they got through to the next round. Qualifying for the next round is possible because miracles do happen, I remember my old R.E. teacher telling me so :O(
Jun 4, 2011
Apparently Rooney has now apologised to the English fans (or was he made to by the F.A.?!)

"I said things in the heat of the moment out of frustration of our performance and the result," he said in a Football Association statement.

"For my part I apologise for any offence caused by my actions."

Then again it is not only the English team that is in total disarray. Look at the French. How they have fallen from grace and now Nicholas Anelka has been sent home for apparently slagging off the coach.

Then again I wonder if he will sulk in a nice five star hotel somewhere in Dubai whilst his team mates and coach take the flack from the French public when they go home next week.
Oct 18, 2009
My wife Pat and I have never watched a football match live or on the TV so last night we decided that it was about time we did.

I am sorry but what a load of rubbish, we sat through 90 plus minutes of boring men kicking a ball about with not one team getting a goal.

Reg and Pat


Heskey, never was an out and out goalscorer type striker, but on Friday, he was the best of our forward line, gave their centre backs a rough time and indeed tackled back repeatedly and successfully.

Problem was he was putting in the crosses, rather than being on the end of them, and that is one of his forte's getting on the end of crosses, or flicking on for forwards to run onto.

Its still not too late for them to gell, and unlike Germany and Spain, we are still unbeaten regardless of our poor showings and that to me is more important than looking good and still losing, which the above aforementioned have already done....
Aug 4, 2004
The South African team has gone to pot because of greed. A lot of the player's agents are aware that ther are overseas scouts in the audience os if their man puts on a good showing, they may end up with lucrative overseas contract. As a result most of the players are now playing for themselves instead of like a team.

It is also rumoured that in the interest of money outside pressures are being exerted on the team which is why the best and most experienced players have been relegated to the bench. Not my words but from a South African newspaper.

The SA team have been promised one million rands for every goal scored! Someone obviously knew they would not be scoring very many goals.
Mar 14, 2005
Overheard recently whereby an armchair supporter was embarressed that his country's team only drew with a second rate football team. At times like this he wished he wasn't Algerian.
Aug 28, 2005
The reason the Germans are the only team that has played well so far is because they are the only country who have been playing with this 'new' Jubalani' ball. They started using it in the Bundesleague six months ago.

It is obvious from the lack of goals and poor shooting that there is something wrong with the ball as well as complaints from players and coaches alike. The complaints regarding those one tone horns are also justified despite the S.Africans saying they are their twelth man because it hasn't worked. It now looks like they are going to be knocked out and if they do let's hope they knock the horns on the head :O)

Tonight I'm going to sit through another 90 minutes of torture after trying, and probably failing miserably, to convince myself that Ingerrlund cannot play badly five games in a row.

In my travels I have to say that the most patriotic supporters I've seen are those on the I.O.W. where a lot more people are flying our flag on cars and homes. On the negative side they also have the worse potholes I've come across ... heh! heh! heh!

All the best from a cloudy but humid Black Knowl.
You are right about the roads on the i o w ,they are terrible
Aug 28, 2005
the trouble is a lot of these underestimated teams have got better ,so of course England they wont look good against a team a team playing as good as they are , England had about 5 shots at the goal the other night ,but the goalie caught them all , there is an old Japanese saying , never underestimate you opponent
Aug 4, 2004
The England football team visited a Cape orphanage on Saturday.

"It's heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope" said Jamal, aged 6.

The Algerian team seemingly complained to the Football association about the state of the pitch the other night. They say they have never played on a pitch with so much rubbish on it.. . .
Apr 23, 2007
I have a huge amount of respect for those people who do not like football. It shouldn't be shoved down their throat if they don't want it. Well, its not, they can turn over. There are literally 100's of channels, or other things to do.

What I don't have time for are those people who have to say something in the first place when its not even their game. Imagine if I started a thread saying 'see that rugby union game, thats a load of rubbish. A load of fat blokes throwing the ball to each other, no skill in that'. I wouldn't do that because it would be very rude (I don't think it either incidentally). So why do it because its football.

Also, completely ignore what the media have to say. Some people think its funny to refer to David James as Calamity, just because the media have given him that label. If you met the guy in Tesco or elsewhere you wouldn't turn round and say 'hi calamity', so why say it behind their backs. You are letting the gutter press seduce you.

So, to those who are England football fans, lets get behind the team for the last group game. And to those that are not, 'have a nice day'.



Nov 12, 2009
I can understand your sentiments Ian but David James will always be 'calamity' as far as I'm concerned. Having watched some of his erratic performances over the years I'm sorry to say that every time the ball goes near his goal I start to wonder if he will either spill it or if it will go underneath him. I didn't ask him to set himself apart from us mere mortals, he chose to do that himself and he's paid extremely well for it.

In common with the rest of his inept team mates he ought to be ashamed to collect his wages although there wasn't much that he could have done to be fair to him. I have a feeling that a few chickens will be coming home to roost unless there has been an improvement of miraculous proportions somewhere between last Friday and this Wednesday. I'll be watching on Wednesday and willing England to win but from what I've seen so far the players have no hunger to win and are over paid and over hyped. Rooney's reaction on Friday proves how far removed from the ordinary football supporter they have become with their celebrity status, wag's, flash cars and low moral standards.


The older I get, the more I am loving it.I keep forgetting that the same sort of topics will appear ever 4 years ie world cup, and some of the enjoyment comes from reading the shite the newspapers are allowed to get away with...and of course listening to those Tv "experts" giving there opinions!

I love the one where the chap shoots and misses, you can guarantee the "expert" will say "he should have passed/ crossed the ball"And of course if that's what the bloke did, and nothing came of it then the "expert" will say "he should have gone for goal himself"!

Its all part of the entertainment/experience, and I am loving it.

But then I do expect England to win comfortably against Slovenia,and then the world cup really begins..
Oct 10, 2008
Its "high noon" on wednesday guys,Don Fabio and his possee are coming to town.

Wayne has got his shooting boots loaded,Joe(perhaps) has got his rifle at the ready,Frankies ready to fire,and Stevie is going to join in no matter what.

Those nasty slovenian outlaws are going to get their come uppance once and for all.
Aug 4, 2004
At least South Africa won the game today but is still out. Seems they have done better than England so far. I guess tomorrow is the main day.
Mar 2, 2010
Am at Les Brunelles and the French are not too happy at the mo,probably they will be a bit happier tomorrow if we get kicked out as well.
Mar 2, 2010
Am at Les Brunelles and the French are not too happy at the mo,probably they will be a bit happier tomorrow if we get kicked out as well.


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