Yawn Yawn

Mar 26, 2008
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Are others as bored with Obama? Who cares about his colour, he's there to do a job. All the talk about his colour just seems like more pejudice, will he be any good is more important?

His record as a senator was not good, bit of a puppet character and kept clear of tackling difficult issues.

Financial media has been suggesting that US businesses will start shedding jobs as soon as he takes office.

Old saying "when the USA gets a cold we get flu"

We already seem to have the rampant flu. God bless Obama, we could have the black death if he's not up to the hype.
Apr 4, 2005
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Obama is currently the best hope the UK and the World has as he will have an effect on our future. Criticise him if he does not deliver the goods but not before he has had a reasonable chance to try.


I agree he will have an effect on the owlrd, but I hope it is not going to directly affect the UK. We are not a State of the US, at least not yet. I think we have had enough of being the closet 'poodle' for a while and it usually ends up with us being in wars we do not want.


I agree he will have an effect on the owlrd, but I hope it is not going to directly affect the UK. We are not a State of the US, at least not yet. I think we have had enough of being the closet 'poodle' for a while and it usually ends up with us being in wars we do not want.
'owird' should read world. Fingers and thumbs again.
Dec 23, 2008
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Barry for most of his life, Barack scares me.

Same cheesy American smile and when preaching he sounds a lot like Bush.

Playing to crowd with his presidency bought by people who will want payback for their money.

How long before the bubble bursts?


However, one could look at the fact that the Yanks at least were allowed to vote either for him, or against him.

We have an unelected PM here in the UK who now feels that the only way to govern is by installing unelected cronies to his Cabinet.

However, the old saying goes 'you can run, but you cannot hide all the time'.


Oh dear. You are certainly not mincing words Monsieur Le Croc. Anti Semitic, probably. Whether the Jewish race actually does control the purse strings in the US, I cannot say, although that race does have a history of being involved with money matters, as even William Shakespeare noted. However, that does not mean to say their race should be stated as the reason for a rather wild conclusion.


OK I'l put it this way, Obama is a puppit pure and simple for the people who really wheel the power, the Fedral reserve is not part of the federal government nor does it have much on reserve, its a private co to print money to loan to the government and charge interest on it.


Didn't you know it was the sub prime crash in the States that started the problems over here?


The sub prime situation was indeed a catalyst for the resultant melt down, however, it merely highlighted the exisitng weaknesses in our economy, not created them. As the IMF has highlighted today the UK is the in the worst positon of all leading industrial nations to either withstand, or recover from the economic crisis. It particularly highlights the level of personal debt in the UK, which has absolutely nothing to do with sub prime mortages. If every single citizen of the US had a sub prime mortgage, and had defaulted on the payments, it still would not account for the total debt.

Blaming the US for a decade of profligancy is similar to an alcoholic trying to blame the brewery for his/her predicament. Every person in the UK who has more than 1 credit card with balances on all of them should surely have known that sooner or later the bill would be due. Bunging it all on to the house value is never going to work. Of course, we had and still have a Government that is outspending everybody, and our grandchildren will thank us for that legacy.

So sorry, trying to blame others for the stupidity of the UK will not work.


"So sorry, trying to blame others for the stupidity of the UK will not work"

I havn't, I said it started it! though I know what your getting at.


Anyway our Grand kids will have more to worry about than just a load of government paper debt, sure growth is good for the economy but its killing the planet, they have to start again by nationalising the Bank of England, Fed, central banks, get rid of the usurers/money lenders.
Mar 26, 2008
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UK business is tied to the USA, what happens there is reflected in the UK. Fact, you can't ignore the US or Obama.

Brown will be there soon getting his orders from Mr President.


Almost right sadie, Brown takes his orders from the same scum as Obama does.


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